‘Home Desk’: The Foreign Office’s covert propaganda campaign inside Britain

“to keep communist activities in this country under review and to recommend what counter-action could properly be taken”

Image/photoharry haller wrote the following post Wed, 28 Aug 2024 17:33:09 +0300

‘Home Desk’: The Foreign Office’s covert propaganda campaign inside Britain >

The Home Desk’s modus operandi was to collect information on “subversive” individuals and organisations from open and secret sources, ranging from newspaper clippings and books to MI5 moles and classified material.

It would then pass this information to trusted contacts in the British press, parliament, think tanks, universities, and other private networks in an effort to discredit the activities of “subversive” leftists in Britain.

The Home Desk was kept entirely hidden from the public, and its funding was not subject to parliamentary oversight. Outside of a small clique of high-ranking British ministers, diplomats, and intelligence agents, the Home Desk simply did not exist.

Its ultimate target was the British public. The recently declassified record allows us to peel back a layer of these secret operations. — https://www.declassifieduk.org/home-desk-the-foreign-offices-covert-propaganda-campaign-inside-britain/ Image/photo

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