

Spoiler : non pas vraiment. Ils comparent libéralisme et autoritarisme. La "gauche" n'est pas vraiment étudiée, hormis sous la notion d'égalité peut-être.

Les gens intelligents seraient de gauche, c'est la science qui le dit | korii.

#étude #politique #intelligence #gauche #psychologie #quotientintellectuel #génétique #opinionpolitique #orientationpolitique #sociallibéralisme

‼️ Clause de non-responsabilité : je n'ai pas toujours le luxe d'être perfectionniste, si le site ou la plateforme sur lequel pointe le lien ne vous convient pas ou que vous n'êtes pas protégé contre le pistage, vous pouvez malgré tout bénéficier de l'information ici partagée et faire des recherches ailleurs (peertube, invidious, archive.org, etc.) à l'aide du titre, des mots-clés, du résumé, des commentaires. Il suffit de placer le pointeur sur le titre pour connaître l'URL ou la copier avant de cliquer. Par ailleurs : ce texte est ajouté automatiquement, contrairement au fait de republier un contenu sur une autre plateforme ou de modifier le lien et d'utiliser une interface alternative dont la perrenité n'est pas garantie (ex : nitter abandonné par ses développeurs). Par ailleurs une nouvelle preuve que le mieux est l'ennemi du bien : des gens qui se prétendent de mon bord si l'on en croit leur activité ici, sont pourtant extrêmement méprisants concernant mon activité et prétendent être plus purs dans la qualité de leurs partages, jusqu'à me harceler à ce sujet. Sans doute pour récupérer une audience qu'ils estiment légitime, quels qu'en soient les moyens. Une méthode violente qui crée une lutte interne contreproductive. Désolé par avance si ce genre de commentaire (auquel je pourrais avoir à répondre s'ils sont mensongers ou calomnieux) est publié sur votre timeline, je n'y suis pour rien non plus. Je n'ai pas vocation à être en conflit, ni ici, ni ailleurs.


United Nations General Assembly Adopts by Consensus U.S.-Led Resolution on Seizing the Opportunities of Safe, Secure and #Trustworthy Artificial #Intelligence Systems for Sustainable #Development

Source: https://www.state.gov/united-nations-general-assembly-adopts-by-consensus-u-s-led-resolution-on-seizing-the-opportunities-of-safe-secure-and-trustworthy-artificial-intelligence-systems-for-sustainable-development/

We no longer have to worry that #AI will destroy our #civilization. The US is now working with the UN to ensure that only good AI is developed and then used fairly. If there's anyone we can trust to distinguish between good and evil, it's the US. With its ethical foreign policy, it has set guidelines for the whole world that are still unsurpassed today.

#technology #future #news #ethics #humanity #politics #usa #uno


Lectures : petite écologie de l’éducation et de l’informatique

#science #éducation #enseignement #connaissance #intelligence

L’écriture à la main, que ce soit avec un stylo, un crayon, un marqueur ou ce que vous voulez est une étape primordiale dans le développement du cerveau et dans la compréhension future de la langue écrite.

Handwriting but not typewriting leads to widespread brain connectivity: a high-density EEG study with implications for the classroom (www.frontiersin.org)

La littérature à ce sujet semble unanime, mais l’étude suscitée va encore plus loin en mesurant l’activité neuronale lors de l’écriture à la main ou avec un clavier. Il n’y a pas photo : l’apprentissage de l’écriture se fait donc d’abord, et c’est essentiel, en écrivant à la main et en déchiffrant différentes écritures.



Edward #Snowden was one of the last idealists who believed that the #truth would change something. Today, a few years later, we know that the average person finds it far too complex to change their browser. We are aware that everything on #TikTok, #Instagram or #YouTube is monitored and analyzed, but it is so colorful and practical.

#society #tracking #surveillance #bigbrother #economy #intelligence #problem #humanRights #freedom #manipulation #propaganda #media #fail


A quotation from Gould, Stephen Jay

Elitism is repulsive when based upon external and artificial limitations like race, gender, or social class. Repulsive and utterly false — for that spark of genius is randomly distributed across all cruel barriers of our social prejudice. We therefore must grant access — and encouragement — to everyone; and must be increasingly vigilant, and tirelessly attentive, in providing such opportunities to all children. We will have no justice until this kind of equality can be attained. But if only a small minority respond, and these are our best and brightest of all races, classes, and genders, shall we deny them the pinnacle of their soul’s striving because all their colleagues prefer passivity and flashing lights? Let them lift their eyes to hills of books, and at least a few museums that display the full magic of nature’s variety. What is wrong with this truly democratic form of elitism?

Stephen Jay Gould (1941-2002) American paleontologist, geologist, biologist
Dinosaur in a Haystack: Reflections in Natural History, Part 5, ch. 18 “Cabinet Museums: Alive, Alive, O!” (1995)

#quote #quotes #quotation #genius #capability #education #opportunity #elitism #brightness #gifted #intelligence #interest #learning
Sourcing / notes: https://wist.info/gould-stephen-jay/67610/


Au Népal, le succès d’un programme de gestion communautaire des forêts.

Entre 1992 et 2016, la couverture forestière du Népal est passée de 26 % à 45 % de sa superficie. Avec une gestion active des forêts et des efforts importants de plantation, les plantes ont repoussé par régénération naturelle, les gens ont pu récolter et vendre des produits forestiers, tout en limitant la déforestation et l’abattage pour le pâturage et le bois de chauffage.

Parmi les bénéfices de cette gestion communautaire, il y a la sauvegarde des espèces menacées, la protection de la faune et de la flore, la protection des sources d’eau et des bassins versants et la lutte contre le réchauffement climatique.
Quant aux revenus des bénéficiaires, ils se comptent en prélèvements de bois d’œuvre et de bois de chauffage, de plantes médicinales et d’herbes et feuilles pour l’élevage, en agroforesterie, écotourisme, eau, etc.

#Népal #forêts #gestion-forestière #gestion-communautaire #climat #écologie #eau #flore #faune #agroforesterie #intelligence


NYT Confirms Putin’s Accusations

#Zerohedge summarizes the genuinely shocking expose by The #NewYorkTimes concerning 12 #secret #US #military #basis inside #Ukraine near the Russian border that have been there since 2016:

On Sunday T_he New York Times_ published an explosive and very belated full #admission that US #intelligence has not only been instrumental in Ukraine wartime decision-making, but has established and financed high tech command-and-control spy centers, and was doing so long prior to the Feb. 24 Russian invasion of two years ago.

Among the biggest revelations is that the program was established a decade ago and spans three different American presidents. The Times says the #CIA program to modernize Ukraine’s intelligence services has “transformed” the former Soviet state and its capabilities into “Washington’s most important intelligence partners against the #Kremlin today.”

This has included the agency having secretly trained and equipped Ukrainian intelligence officers spanning back to just after the #2014 #Maidan #coup events, as well constructing a network of 12 secret bases along the Russian border—work which began eight years ago. These intelligence bases, from which Russian commanders’ communications can be swept up and Russian spy satellites monitored, are being used launch and track cross-border drone and missile attacks on Russian territory.

This means that with the disclosure of the longtime “closely guarded secret” the world just got a big step closer to #WW3, given it means the CIA is largely responsible for the effectiveness of the recent spate of attacks which have included direct drone hits on key oil refineries and energy infrastructure.

“Without them [the CIA and elite commandoes it’s trained], there would have been no way for us to resist the Russians, or to beat them,” according to Ivan Bakanov, former #head of the #SBU, which is Ukraine’s domestic intelligence agency.

A main source of the #NYT revelations—disclosures which might come as no surprise to those never willing to so easily swallow the mainstream ‘official’ narrative of events—is identified as a top intelligence commander named Gen. Serhii Dvoretskiy.

Clearly, #Kiev and #Washington now want #world to know of the deep intelligence relationship they tried to conceal for over the past decade. It is perhaps a kind of warning to #Moscow at a moment Ukraine’s forces are in retreat: the US is fighting hand in glove with the Ukrainians. And yet the revelations contained in the NY Times report also confirm what #President #Putin has precisely accused Washington of all along.

The Russians obviously know about these bases since they presumably have had control of them for most of the last two years. So, why is Washington suddenly admitting to them now? Are the neoclowns attempting to establish some basis for arguing that since the #USA has been actively waging #war on #Russia for a long time, more aid and even direct military support for Ukraine is justified?

At some point, the anti-Russian Narrative is going to collapse, as one lie after another is exposed, and it eventually turns out that the Russians were doing nothing but telling the truth about The Empire of Lies and its activities in Ukraine all along.

It also documents how the CIA not only kept #PresidentTrump in the dark with regards to its anti-Russian activities, but consistently undermined him and his policies.


#Justice Department Conducts Court-Authorized Disruption of #Botnet Controlled by the Russian Federation’s Main #Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff (GRU)

source: https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/justice-department-conducts-court-authorized-disruption-botnet-controlled-russian

“Operation #DyingEmber was an international effort led by #FBI #Boston to remediate over a thousand compromised routers belonging to unsuspecting victims here in the United States, and around the world that were targeted by malicious, nation state actors in #Russia to facilitate their strategic intelligence collection,” said Special Agent in Charge Jodi Cohen of the FBI Boston Field Office. “The FBI’s strong partnerships with the private sector were critical to identifying and addressing this threat which targeted our national security interests here and abroad. This #operation should make it crystal clear to our adversaries that we will not allow anyone to exploit our #technology and networks.”

#router #news #internet #malware #security #cybercrime #usa


I would like to point out that the “Collateral Murder” video would not have been published without #Wikileaks.

Source: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/feb/28/manning-washington-post-new-york-times

Journalists were already so frightened before the Assange case that they didn’t risk publishing the war crime.

To illustrate the inhumanity of the system, the following anecdote should be mentioned: The secret service stole Assange’s shaving kit from the Equadorian embassy so that he would look bearded when he was arrested. They did this to downgrade his credibility in public by making him look so scruffy.

The rule of #law is not guaranteed in the #West if those in #power agree to break it.

#politics #justice #freedom #democracy #system #fail #government #War #Crime #HumanRights #journalism #press #military #CIA #torture #FreeAssange #intelligence #surveillance #AbuseOfPower


Artificial #intelligence is making critical #health care decisions.

Advancements in #AI have created big gaps in what the #FDA regulates. It does nothing to review tools like chatbots, for example, and it has no #authority over systems that summarize #doctors’ notes and perform other critical administrative tasks.

Source: https://www.politico.com/news/2024/02/18/artificial-intelligence-health-care-fda-00141768

#technology #future #news #ethics #problem #politics #security #system


Hey, let's use #AI to generate #bug reports and #spam the bug trackers of open source projects ...

The I in #LLM stands for #intelligence

source: https://daniel.haxx.se/blog/2024/01/02/the-i-in-llm-stands-for-intelligence/

When reports are made to look better and to appear to have a point, it takes a longer time for us to research and eventually discard it. Every #security report has to have a human spend time to look at it and assess what it means.

#curl #openSource #fail #software #troll #problem #time #news #technology #disaster


#Israel Knew #Hamas’s #Attack Plan More Than a Year Ago

Source: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/30/world/middleeast/israel-hamas-attack-intelligence.html

The plan also included details about the location and size of Israeli #military forces, communication hubs and other sensitive information, raising questions about how Hamas gathered its #intelligence and whether there were leaks inside the Israeli #security establishment.

#war #terror #problem #politics #conflict #news #MiddleEast