According to the New York Times, citing American officials, most of Hamas's tunnel networks are still intact and functioning, and at least 5,000 Hamas soldiers may still be active in the northern part of the Gaza Strip alone.

I'm guessing NYT is posting these to justify the ongoing catastrophe in Gaza and starvation of the people struck in the northern section.

4 months after Israeli assault on #Gaza, with over 38000 dead and over 15000 missing, the civilians in Gaza are facing the worst man made famine since the Yemen blockade with catastrophic consequences on the lives of the most volnurable civilians living there.

Sadly, the western leaders are busy having an orgy in #Ukraine and lining up to stand in front of the camera to show how much they value right of self defense and sending billions and billions of euro in supplies and weapons there, while at the same time cutting all the small funds they were sending to #UNRWA and other aid organizations because of some baseless accusations made by fascist coalition government of #Netanyahu #Ben-Gvir.

#Propaganda #FoodAsWeapon #Hypocrisy
#SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow

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