Is the International #Court of #Justice just a Western invention to judge the rest of the #world for #crimes that the West itself commits?

International Court of Justice orders #Russia to cease hostilities in #Ukraine - source:

To say it right away, I also condemn the war in Ukraine. Nevertheless, I was surprised by the quick judgment, especially since the West has never been judged for something similar.

So it was once president #Bush junior who said he would rather bomb the Court than defer to its #judgment - source:

Investigations into #torture and other war crimes committed by the U.S. in #Afghanistan did not take place because of massive threats to the court - source:

It is common knowledge that the United States fail to comply with international law, but demands compliance from other states.

But also for Western Europe international law seems to have no meaning.

Former German Chancellor Schröder readily admitted that NATO's interference in the Yugoslav war was a violation of international law - source:

The European Union is an economic alliance, not a military one. Nevertheless, the #EU has issued mandates to intervene in the Syrian war, which is reserved for the UN - source:

The EU stubbornly refuses to accept war #refugees caused by them and either lets them drown in the Mediterranean or freeze to death at the Polish border. According to the Geneva #Refugee Convention, the EU would be obliged to take care of these refugees.

It's inhumane how the whole world ignores international #law. But the fact that the International Court of Justice judges selected states for this and leaves the West unpunished is disgusting. Before the law all states must be equal or we accept the arbitrariness and the right of the strongest.

#news #law #democracy #war #terror #europe #usa #uno #problem #fail #freedom