Social psychologists like Jung often see the #government as a stand-in for authority figures like parents. Indeed, Bainbridge said, one might analogize the draw to #conspiracy theories and #NewAge #religion|s as children acting out when their "parents" (meaning, the #state) are not taking care of them properly.
"If the parent isn't taking care of a child, then the child acts out, right? The child is angry because it's not getting its needs met," Bainbridge said. "And there are lots of people, like left-progressives, who asked: 'How did #Trump get elected?' But once you really look into it, you're like, that was obvious because there's a huge part of #America that's in between #NewYork and #LA, and those people are fed up and they feel forgotten."
Bainbridge says the way out of this conundrum, from a Jungian perspective, is to embrace #humanism and empathy. #psychology #usa #politics #covid #trunther #society #qanon #wwg1wga #jung #pandemic


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