#Pope Francis criticizes #capitalism
source: https://www.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/apost_exhortations/documents/20231004-laudate-deum.html
As usual, it would seem that everything is the fault of the poor. Yet the reality is that a low, richer percentage of the planet contaminates more than the poorest 50% of the total world population, and that per capita emissions of the richer countries are much greater than those of the poorer ones.
Deep down, it consists in thinking “as if reality, goodness and truth automatically flow from technological and economic power as such”. As a logical consequence, it then becomes easy “to accept the idea of infinite or unlimited growth, which proves so attractive to economists, financiers and experts in #technology”.
One need but think of the momentary excitement raised by the money received in exchange for the deposit of nuclear waste in a certain place. The house that one could have bought with that money has turned into a grave due to the diseases that were then unleashed.
Once and for all, let us put an end to the irresponsible derision that would present this issue as something purely ecological, “green”, romantic, frequently subject to ridicule by economic interests. Let us finally admit that it is a human and social #problem on any number of levels. For this reason, it calls for involvement on the part of all.
**I myself am surprised to hear such wise words from the #Vatican, which I have never before mentioned with praise in my timeline
#criticism #economy #climate #environment #nature #poverty #earth #church #religion #warning #society #future #emissions #ecology #news