

I'll Never Heil Again (1941) - The Three Stooges

A follow up to "You Nazty Spy", the stooges have taken over the country of Moronica. Moe is Hailstone the Dictator, Curly is a Field Marshal and Larry is Minister of Propaganda. The stooges are planning with their allies to conquer the world, which mainly consists of fighting over a globe. The former king's daughter gets into their headquarters and plants a bomb which Curly detonates. All ends well as the king regains control of the country and the stooges wind up as trophies on the wall.


or: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_JcyTK54wDo
18:20 min #video
#3stooges #vintage #1941


AUSCHWITZ, BOKS I CHLEB /Auschwitz, boxing and bread - FILM DOKUMENTALNY

incl. English subtitles

Tadeusz Pietrzykowski was quite possibly the only Auschwitz concentration camp prisoner who had beaten an SS officer without punishment.

Tadeusz Pietrzykowski był najprawdopodobniej jedynym więźniem niemieckiego obozu koncentracyjnego KL Auschwitz, który pobił esesmana i nie poniósł żadnych konsekwencji.


#movie #doc #making #makingof #auschwitz #oswiecim #nazi #ww2 #1941 #boks #boxer #boxing #bread #tadeusz #pietrzykowski #concentration #camp #prisoner #ss #hope