

#doc suggests #NATO troops on anti-mRNA
Influential medical doctor suggests unleashing cops and NATO troops on 'anti-vaxxers' ----Dr. Peter Hotez, a darling of the Gates Foundation and the corrupt United Nations World Health Organization, has suggested that Homeland Security and the Justice Department should be deployed against “anti-vaxxers” in the US.
And on a global scale, Hotez said, the United Nations and NATO should be deployed against those who refuse to get jabbed. He made the comments at an international pediatric conference in Columbia.
The Exposé reports that at the end of last month, the WHO announced a new project to turbo-charge the development and distribution of mRNA vaccines in underdeveloped countries for, they say, a looming bird flu pandemic. Medical Press reports:


#fr #arte_TV #doc #sciences #environnement #nature

En ce qui concerne les graines dites enrobées, la substance imprègne toute la plante au cours de sa croissance. C'est toute la plante qui devient insecticide. Vous aurez beau les laver, les parties qui seront consommées contiendront toujours de ces néocotinoïdes. C'est toute la chaine alimentaire qui est impactée. (sic!)

Insecticide - Comment l'agrochimie a tué les insectes