


It's called the " #Devil's #Interval In #Musicology" when you play #741Hz with #528hz.


Albert #Einstein once said, " #everything in our #Universe is #vibration." The #atoms in our #bodies, the #molecules and atoms in inanimate objects, #thoughts and #sounds - all things in our Universe are in motion, vibrating . Even the planet itself vibrates and resonates at its own #frequency.

The #human #ear can only hear a limited range of #vibrations per second. In sound science, the number of vibrations per seconds is known as "frequency", which is measured in Hz.

The human ear is only capable of hearing sounds that vibrate at the frequency of 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz (20 kHz). #Dolphins and #bats are capable of #hearing #sound up to 100 kHz, so you can see #how limited the human capacity for hearing sounds is.

At the #heart of solfeggio frequencies is the belief that the vibrational signature of certain sounds, ranging from 174 Hz to 963 Hz, can positively impact our #mental, #physical and #spiritual #health.


American Museum of Natural History on Twitter: "Nothing to see here, just a cluster of Honduran white bats! This critter hides from foes by roosting beneath self-made tree tents. When sunlight hits the foliage, it casts a green tinge on the bat’s white fur, allowing it to better blend in with its surroundings.🦇🍃 https://t.co/0LFBpCoN1U" / Twitter

#bats #baturday #nature



#rlp_skurril #eifel-garden
was'n hier los.... eine hängt in dem Vorhang...rausgesetzt auf die Fensterbank: wech war sie...
fliegen #bats #murcielago #chauve-souris wie heissen sie noch: #Fledermäuse auch tagsüber,
wenn's sein muss ?
die andere auf der Decke - per Bierglas eingetütet... auch auf Fensterbank - jetzt auch wech
die Katzen gingen zum Glück nicht dran...
wie heisst die Art ?
dass die hier mitten im Dorf nur über meinem Garten jagen versteht sich von selbst.... hier schwirrt es noch an Insekten...drum rum Rollrasen

Nummer zwo: denkste: fällt mir gerade vor die Füsse ... in ne Blumenbank getan - verschwunden, wahrscheinlich ins Unterholz gefallen - Rettungsaktion abgebrochen :(


Opinion: Where Did the #Coronavirus Come From? What We Already Know Is Troubling.

source: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/06/25/opinion/coronavirus-lab.html

Finding a dangerous virus in a cave or a petri dish might be useful, but it’s a bit like poking a bear we are trying to avoid.
Field research on bats should have been done more carefully. #Bat viruses should not be studied in BSL-2 labs, and #research in BSL-3 labs should be done only under the strictest caution. #Bats should be treated as a serious threat in labs. #Human interactions with bats should occur under strict #regulation and #surveillance.

#history #news #health #science #virus #conspiracy #pandemic #covid-19 #corona #danger