

Come learn from organizers about #Israel #Bonds and Israel Bonds divestment, including what you can do in your community to break the bonds with #genocide and #apartheid!
While many know that the U.S. Congress sends billions of dollars each year to support the Israeli military’s violence against Palestinians, few know that billions of dollars in funding to the Israeli #military and government comes from institutions much closer to home.
Billions in “Israel Bonds”–direct loans to the Israeli military and government–are being purchased by our local governments, state governments, unions, pension funds, religious institutions, and other institutions every year.
Together, we can withdraw key support for violence against Palestinians by demanding that our community institutions stop buying Israel Bonds.
#BDS #Palestine #JVP
Register at https://www.tickettailor.com/events/haymarketbooks/1252719


The Black Hole Engulfing the World's Bond Markets: Bloomberg

There’s a multitrillion-dollar black hole growing at the heart of the world’s financial markets. Negative-yielding debt -- bonds worth less, not more, if held to maturity -- is spreading to more corners of the bond universe, destroying potential returns for investors and turning the system as we know it on its head. Now that it looks like sub-zero bonds are here to stay, there’s even more hand-wringing about the effects for mom-and-pop savers, pensioners, investors, buyout firms and governments.

#bonds #finance #economics #business #investing

The Black Hole Engulfing the World's Bond Markets