

WOW 🚹 Pay Attention To #Canada Because #America Is Next. QR Codes To Visit & Leave Areas

Quebec: “Madeleine Island getting QR codes in order to leave and If you don't get your QR code, you will be fined”

“That's the very first QR code prison here in Canada. And it is going to sweep the nation faster than you can think if people don't stand up and take a stand against these QR codes.”

“It's not happening in your town yet but it most certainly will be.”

“We know the #government's expropriating land from farmers all over the place. We know that they are trying to make military presence and normality, so it's only a matter of time before you are trading away your information, your private information in a #QR #code in order to leave your town or city so that you can go to work, shop, get an education, or just plan out, visit, and travel this amazing country. Time to stand up and wake up and use your voice.”



Many #American #Conservatives might like to critique the #UK as being too #Socialist, many of those critiques may be valid, however, the #USA is not a #Capitalist economic system any more than the UK is, with the #GDP of both nations being comprised of around 40% #government spending.

The USA has been for decades a mixed Capitalist/Socialist economic system. What's most sad about both the UK and #US is that the kind of #Socialism being deployed is actually #corporate Socialism, wherein #taxes are forcibly redistributed to #corporations and the most wealthy. The worst aspects of both systems.

#corporatesocialism #redistribution #angloamerican #economics



Among the many false claims made by various #government media, #corporate media and social #media commentators, such as the UK being a "Liberal Democracy," we are also told how terrible the #capitalist #system in the #UK is and how we need more #Socialism to save us.

While I do agree that crony capitalism and #monopoly capitalism are indeed terrible, we don't actually live in a capitalist economic system, we live in a mixed Capitalist/Socialist #economy, where for the last two sociological generations or more, government spending has comprised more than 40% of all economic activity in the UK.

#cronycapitalism #monopolycapitalism #economics #economicactivity #gdp



Quand les #Américains voulaient #gouverner la #France par #AnnieLacroix-Riz

aperçu - Suite
C’est une page peu connue de l’ #histoire de la seconde #guerre #mondiale : dĂšs 1941-1942, #Washington avait prĂ©vu d’imposer Ă  la France — comme aux futurs vaincus, #Italie, #Allemagne et #Japon — un #statut de #protectorat, rĂ©gi par un #Allied #Military #Government of #Occupied #Territories ( #Amgot). Ce #gouvernement #militaire #amĂ©ricain des #territoires #occupĂ©s aurait #aboli toute #souverainetĂ©, y compris le #droit de battre #monnaie, sur le #modĂšle fourni par les #accords Darlan-Clark de novembre 1942.

A en croire certains #historiens #amĂ©ricains, ce #projet tenait Ă  la #haine qu’éprouvait Franklin D. #Roosevelt pour Charles #deGaulle, « apprenti dictateur » qu’il eĂ»t voulu Ă©pargner Ă  la France de l’aprĂšs-PĂ©tain. Cette #thĂšse d’un #prĂ©sident amĂ©ricain soucieux d’établir la #dĂ©mocratie #universelle est sĂ©duisante, mais erronĂ©e.

#histoire #guerre #politique #géopolitique


South African app receives 46,693 potholes reports — 7,842 have been closed

A tar road with gravel on the edges stretching off into the distance. On each side is short grass and bushes. The tar road though has more potholes in it than road surface.
The app is not so much about potholes themselves, but more about how transparency is needed to measure success or failure to provide services to citizens. Too often, reports just disappear into a back-end system and no-one sees the full picture, nor how the resolution rate is progressing.

Seeing municipal services are actually public funded services for citizens, I really wonder why not all electrical, roads, water, etc requests are not publicly visible for citizens to judge how their service delivery is going. If this could have been done for the Municipal Money website in South Africa, why not for other municipal services too? Right now, anyone can compare one municipality with another for their financial key performance indicators.

Maybe what is needed is more transparency for citizens to see what is going on, or not, with their municipal service delivery. Then we’ll at least be dealing with objective judgements around service delivery, and be able to measure real improvement.

See mybroadband.co.za/news/motorin

#Blog, #accountability, #government, #southafrica, #technology


#Vaccine #Crimes
Japanese #Professor, “The Actions of the Japanese #Government must be #stopped..."

Japanese Professor Delivers Stunning Message Everyone Needs to Hear
Published on April 10, 2024 By Vigilant Fox

Masayasu Inoue, MD, PhD, and Professor Emeritus at Osaka City University Medical School, recently released an eight-minute video with a groundbreaking message for the world.

He said, “The pandemic was used as a false pretext by the WHO to drive vaccinations of all peoples in the world.”

Inoue also declared that the #fraudulent use of “ #experimental #gene #therapy to #healthy #people” was not only an “ #extreme #violation #of #human-rights,” but “the result was the induction of the terrible drug-induced injury that has never [been] seen in human #history.”
#vaccinescam to depop
Watch on Aussie17’s Substack source: VigilantNews.com


A quotation from Russell, Bertrand

Since freedom of opinion can only exist when the government thinks itself secure, it is important that the government should have the approval of the great majority of the population and should deal with discontented minorities, wherever possible, in a manner calculated to allay their discontent. A government must possess force, but cannot be a satisfactory government unless force is seldom necessary.

Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) English mathematician and philosopher
“Freedom and Government,” in Ruth Nanda Anshen, ed., Freedom: Its Meaning (1940)

#quote #quotes #quotation #force #freedom #government #security #freedomofopinion #freedomofthought #liberty #majority #minority #populargovernment
Sourcing / notes: https://wist.info/russell-bertrand/3391/