

WTAF: ‘Wrong Sort of Holocaust Survivor’:

“According to the #Guardian, #Independent and #NYT, #Holocaust #Survivors Who Condemn Israel’s Genocide Are The ‘Wrong Sort of Holocaust Survivor’: Interviews with Stephen Kapos, Suzanne Weiss and Rene Lichtman - all Child Survivors of the Holocaust in France and Hungary”

by veteran UK #Socialist, #AntiZionist and #AntiRacist campaigner and author Tony #Greenstein in his 24/06/24 blogpost

PS I can't find the reference anywhere using duckducgo but found this article having that phrase: https://www.jewishvoiceforlabour.org.uk/article/labour-silencing-holocaust-survivors-and-descendants-of-holocaust-survivors/

#Gaza #Palestine #Resistance #ExterminationCamp #Israel #ApartheidIsrael #US #ICJ #ICC #GenocideJoe #Netanyahu #DahiyaDoctrine #HannibalDirective #IDF #SnuffMovies #Zionism #Racism #Pogrom #Nakba #Genocide #FinalSolution #SettlerColonialism #Liberation #LiberationWar #Dehumanization #Hamas #TerroristIsrael #EthnicCleansing #ChildMurder #ChildTorture #Starvation #Disease #Hasbara #Disinformation #InfoWar #CollectivePunishment #TheOccupiedTerritories #WarCrimes #GroundInvasion #BabyMurderers #HospitalDestroyers #CrimesAgainstHumanity #StateSanctionedMurder #OperationAlAqsaFlood #FreePalestine #PermanentCeasefireNoW #GenocideJoe #USComplicity #UKComplicity #EUComplicity

PSS: image from archives