

WTAF: ‘Wrong Sort of Holocaust Survivor’:

“According to the #Guardian, #Independent and #NYT, #Holocaust #Survivors Who Condemn Israel’s Genocide Are The ‘Wrong Sort of Holocaust Survivor’: Interviews with Stephen Kapos, Suzanne Weiss and Rene Lichtman - all Child Survivors of the Holocaust in France and Hungary”

by veteran UK #Socialist, #AntiZionist and #AntiRacist campaigner and author Tony #Greenstein in his 24/06/24 blogpost

PS I can't find the reference anywhere using duckducgo but found this article having that phrase: https://www.jewishvoiceforlabour.org.uk/article/labour-silencing-holocaust-survivors-and-descendants-of-holocaust-survivors/

#Gaza #Palestine #Resistance #ExterminationCamp #Israel #ApartheidIsrael #US #ICJ #ICC #GenocideJoe #Netanyahu #DahiyaDoctrine #HannibalDirective #IDF #SnuffMovies #Zionism #Racism #Pogrom #Nakba #Genocide #FinalSolution #SettlerColonialism #Liberation #LiberationWar #Dehumanization #Hamas #TerroristIsrael #EthnicCleansing #ChildMurder #ChildTorture #Starvation #Disease #Hasbara #Disinformation #InfoWar #CollectivePunishment #TheOccupiedTerritories #WarCrimes #GroundInvasion #BabyMurderers #HospitalDestroyers #CrimesAgainstHumanity #StateSanctionedMurder #OperationAlAqsaFlood #FreePalestine #PermanentCeasefireNoW #GenocideJoe #USComplicity #UKComplicity #EUComplicity

PSS: image from archives


Many #American #Conservatives might like to critique the #UK as being too #Socialist, many of those critiques may be valid, however, the #USA is not a #Capitalist economic system any more than the UK is, with the #GDP of both nations being comprised of around 40% #government spending.

The USA has been for decades a mixed Capitalist/Socialist economic system. What's most sad about both the UK and #US is that the kind of #Socialism being deployed is actually #corporate Socialism, wherein #taxes are forcibly redistributed to #corporations and the most wealthy. The worst aspects of both systems.

#corporatesocialism #redistribution #angloamerican #economics



Jeremy #Corbyn is a #multimillionaire with an income 461% more than the #UK average. He comes from #wealth & lives in Finsbury Park where the average house price is 263% above the UK #average & the #median #household #income is 50% above the UK average.

Corbyn is a champagne #socialist & his wealth insulates him from every negative aspect of the mass #migration he advocates for.

Mass migration stagnates #wages, drives up #rent & house prices, puts additional demand on #infrastructure & social services & leads to ethno-linguistic fragmentation of autochthonous #British cultures.

#jeremycorbyn #champagnesocialist #usa #hypocrisy #labourparty #leftwinghypocrisy #leftwingelitists #londonelites #elitism #richmennorthofrichmond #plutocracy #westminsterbubble #globalism


Poverty in Afghanistan is pushing children to work at brick kilns to keep food on the table.

20 Years of disgusting occupation by #US and NATO trillions of dollars and #Euro spent on military operations and corrupt politicians in Afghanistan, and the country is worse off than it was during the #socialist government of #Taraki or #Najibullah.

#Afghanistan is the shame of the #NATO and western world, 50 years of interventions to destroy a social democratic movement and turn the country into a #Taliban ridden shit hole with mini talibans in charge of those so called "liberated regions".

#Politics #Poverty #Failure
— in pictures https://aje.io/qzjcjk


If we are unable to confront reactionary ideas in our own movement, we will always be inhibited in pursuing our ultimate aim: the #socialist transformation of #society.’

Daniel Randall’s book is a socialist analysis of #leftantisemitism, which asks: ‘How did the political #left, a movement apparently committed to #equality, become a site of #antisemitism, and how can antisemitism on the left be overcome?

Randall traces left antisemitism’s origins to primitive critiques of #capitalism that conflated #Jews with #capital; Stalinism’s “anti-cosmopolitan” and “ #antiZionist ” campaigns of the 1950s onwards; and a form of “ #anti-imperialism ” which designates any #opposition to western #imperialism, including #Israel, as necessarily #progressive.

He argues that, far from representing a logical continuation or inevitable endpoint of left-wing ideas, left antisemitism represents a distortion of them, and that by re-anchoring the socialist project in a #class-struggle #politics of #solidarity and #equality, the left can confront and overcome antisemitism within its own ranks.

As Keir Starmer's Labour leadership launches a new wave of proscriptions and expulsions, Randall argues that these administrative responses are inadequate at best, and counterproductive at worst. He argues that only a political-educational campaign, targeting the #ideological roots of left antisemitism, can overcome it.

This is the second original title published by No Pasaran Media and comes as debates about the response to antisemitism in the #Labour Party continue, and after a spike in antisemitic incidents following an escalation of violence in Israel/ #Palestine in May 2021.
#antifa #communism #zionism #critizism
