

Something from my pre- TrumpVirus era days of study and research...

... within the worlds of #psychology, #SocialMedia, and #FAD / #addiction to #Facebook, computers, whatever, plus social pressure and #FOMO etc - these days I'd say, #screens

I rarely respond to the stream of info and misinfo I see on X nee #Twitter, but caught this post (also on PBS NewsHours) about this and other AG's who are collectively taking on a suit against our old friend #Facebook (about which I spent years observing, since it began)

But I just happen to have this big compilation of research and also fun-poking at the era of #ScreenAddiction (and PTSD)


La forêt de Bord, vieille de plusieurs siècles, menacée par une autoroute.

Ce weekend, plus de 1500 personnes se sont rassemblées à Léry, dans l’Eure, pour protester contre la destruction de la forêt de Bord, aujourd’hui menacée par un projet d’autoroute à l’Est de Rouen.

La lutte contre l’A133-A134 s’inscrit dans un mouvement national plus large qui refuse de continuer à dilapider l’argent public pour enrichir des concessionnaires privés, et réclame un moratoire pour stopper et réinterroger les projets routiers.

En lieu et place de ce projet, le collectif « Non à l’A133-A134 » propose d’investir 200 millions d’euros dans le développement ferroviaire pour traiter les déplacements pendulaires (domicile/travail) et développer de nouvelles lignes de bus.

#environnement #écologie #patrimoine #forêt-à-défendre #FAD
#argent-public #gestion-des-biens-collectifs #urbanisme #autoroutes #sociétés-privées


So, I watched this 20-minute plus vid - Tnx @Jamie "The Viking" Ramone - as someone with a background in 90's music and an appreciation for the many "one-hit-wonders". Many who were alive and conscious in the 60's did not escape this phenomenon.

Here's a thin-slice, for those with limited time &/or attention span for the long story of the two who launched the 1996 one-hit wonder,


If the YouTube gods play nice with pora*, this is a cued up at the end, a mash-up of some of the many incarnations. Including an al dente macarina... Fun. For the seriously interested in music biz and 1-hit wonders, you can wind it back to the start for a 25m story.

#Macarina #Music #musica #OneHitWonder #1960s #1966 #musique #musik #LosDelRio #dance #fad


Meanwhile, a little light Facebook reading, from the Associated Press (AP)

The Facebook Papers

Actually, "The Facebook Papers represents a unique collaboration between 17 American news organizations, including The Associated Press." It's an extensive document and this AP page has other Facebook-related articles too.

For the very interested, my resource page, which includes both serious/academic articles, along with popular news reports and some funny videos (I use in presentations), all at http://www.fenichel.com/facebook

#facebook #socialmedia #disinformation #media #misinformation #socialnetwork #FAD #cyberpsychology


Ah, something we all know and love... the mind of Zuckerberg and the "corporate ethos" of Facebook....

Whistleblower: Facebook is misleading the public on progress against hate speech, violence, misinformation

“Facebook has realized that if they change the algorithm to be safer, people will spend less time on the site, they'll click on less ads, they'll make less money,” says Facebook whistleblower Frances Haugen.

Something I've studied, written and lectured about, and watched since the beginning, becoming inured to being told that we all "like" what new features and data/privacy invasions roll out. Many years of research and popular press stories @ http://www.fenichel.com/facebook

#socialmedia #Facebook #FAD #facebookaddiction #cluelessness #psychopathy #privacy #datamining