

The special issue of Chinese Medicine and Culture, volume 7, discusses the global cross-cultural integration of TCM in the mainstream healthcare, medical education and the practice of medicine. It describes how TCM was established in the west, how schools were formed, how regulation was put together, and what is the future of the profession. With interviews of some of the key pioneers in the field, Ted Kaptchuk, Peter Deadman, Will Morris, Nigel Wiseman, Peter Eckman, John McDonald , Judy James, Felicity Moir, Edward Neal, and Mel Hopper Koppelman. You can access the journal through this link: https://journals.lww.com/CMC/pages/default.aspx
Ioannis Solos was kind enough to also uploaded the pdf of the entire issue on Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fT4BSSEJ5uH8wqeWbry38NoLz2lo4nFJ/view
#tcm #china #healthcare


New Oxford University analysis has debunked #NHS privatisation

Oxford researchers looked at studies of healthcare #privatisation and found they agreed on one thing: privatisation leads to poorer quality care for patients.

Every month, private hospitals send 550 of their patients to the NHS because of an emergency they had while in the private hospital?

What’s more, in the last four years, 791 NHS patients who were transferred to be treated in private hospitals have sued for #medical #negligence - AND WON.

The evidence is crystal clear. Privatisation works for shareholders, not patients.


#SaveOurNHS #WeOwnIt #healthcare #OurNHS #PrivatisationFails #PeopleNotProfits #CorporateTerrorism #video #research #hospital


‘Doctor Peyo’: the horse comforting cancer patients in Calais – in pictures

Peyo tells his trainer which room he wants to enter next by stopping or raising his leg. Peyo is 15 and seems able to detect when humans have cancers and tumours. He stayed nearly two hours here, watching over a dying woman.

‘I accompany him but I let him do what he wants, he’s the one who decides,’


#cancer #healthcare #horses #animals #doctors #hospitals #photos


#Healthcare #Privatization #Neoliberalfail

Same here in the Netherlands, care is worse, prices rise sky high, money is roamed off at management and CEO level, all the while lambasting how Care is getting to expensive to keep in a social system... Yeah, because they cause it to be to expensive, and they can keep more and more procedures for rich folks only, poor folks better not be born, or some such shit.
It is a large attempt from the right to kill of social systems.