

In another news, the headquarter and training camp oc the MKO of Iran in Albenia was raided by the police in an unusual and brutal way that led to the death of one of the senior members of the group and injury of many more with 7 in critical condition.

The head of MKO posted this tweet blaming the western governments trying to please Iran by attacking the "protected" camp of the organization, that was built under Obama in Albenia after he made an agreement with the group, Iraqi and Kurdish authorities to close the "Camp Ashraf 2" from Iraqi Kurdistan.

In the last 2 years of Camp Ashraf 2 in Iraq, the group came under constant attacks by Shia militia and other Iraqis who saw them as security risk and some people even blame the group for helping ISIS in the early days of their movements with weapons and money to attack Iran backed groups and interests.

The Albanian site has been a source of contraversy as many parents of young girls and boys kept in the "camp" claimed that their children were lured into the camp and have no rights to move freely of leave the organization once they joned.

Several members of the groups who managed to "flee" the camp mention systematic Pol Pot like indoctrination, total separation of female and male members, including those married and strong rules against sexual relationship and having children among mostly middle-aged but also some in their 20s and 30s.

The reports from #Albenia claims that they wenr in to "free some hostages" and put and end to ongoing cyber attacks and troll factories driven systematically by the group on social media where some members reported to have over 30 fake accounts on #Facebook, #Reddit, #Twitter and #Instagram.

The other sources say that it comes after mounting pressure from Iranian government on the Albenians to close the camp and deport the #MKO members from the country.

#CanpAshraf3 #Mujahedin #Rajavi #Iran #IRI ##Europe #Terrorism #CyberAttack #TrollFactory #IranianOpposition #Iranpolitics #Police #EU #Obama #Iraq #Kurdistan


Today was the 44th aniversary of Iranian revolution.

Regime did everything it could to bring massive demonstrations on the streets, some with bribes, some with threats but many chose to participate.

It is painful to see, despise months of bloody crack down on opposition and your people's cry for freedom, millions of people participated in the IRI celebrating the day Pahlavi dynasty was ousted and quickly and brutally replaced by the theocratic regime of IRI.

People who thought the demonstrations against compulsory Hijab could turn into a quick fall of the regime, those who attacked US who pointed out that despise popular anger and hate towards the mullahs, regime still has a solid support among the deeply religious groups, some with economical and political ties some because of their strong religious believes.

Iran, like any other country living under dictatorship, sits on a keg of explosive anger that can be ignited into a bloody and long civil war.

But anyone who thinks this regime can be changed, either with force or popular uprising, without a broad coalition, including many fractions of the religious groups inside the regime, is either a fool or an out of touch moron who doesn't know anything about Iran, other than the upper middle class in northern Tehran or ethnical provinces like Kurdistan and Baluchistan.

#Iran #iranRevolution #Politics #IranPolitics #IranProtests #IranUprising #22Bahman #Tehran


Mohammad Taqi Fazel Meybodi, member of Qom Seminary's Association of Researchers & Teachers: Where in the world do they rejoice at an execution, congratulate & sprinkle salt on people's wounds?

🔹 This congratulation of the executions by some Friday imams & representatives, is like sprinkle salt on the people's wounds, where in the world do they express such joy?/Aftab News

#Iran #Politics #HumanRights #DeathPenalty #Inhumanity #IranPolitics #IranUprising #IranProtestd


According to #IRI sources, some of the family members of the #Basij militia allegedly killed by #MahanSedarat, have asked the regime officials to have #mercy & save the life of the young man in order to send a calming message to society

The regime officials & judiciary have denied their request by saying that the accusations are of the sort that can't be decided by family members of the "victim", it's up to regime's #judiciary to make final decision
#Iran #DeathPebalty #Politics #IranPolitics #HumanRights #IranUprising


Mostafa Mir Salim, conservative member of #IRI parliament from Tehran: Those responsible for current events should be executed between 5-10 days after they are captured. Execution (hanging) of those responsible for these events was the timely correct action.

This is in response to some internal criticism about the recent executions and the legitimacy of the speedy process in which those were convicted.
#Iran #IranProtests #HumanRights #DeathPenalty #Criminal #Inhumanity #Politics #IranPolitics