

WHO has recorded 974 attacks against health care in Ukraine since Russia’s full-scale invasion

Out of 974 recorded attacks, 873 impacted medical facilities. The attacks have killed at least 101 people and injured 136 others since Feb. 24, 2022.

Russia’s missile strike on a medical clinic in Dnipro on May 26 is not yet included in the data as it takes time for the WHO to verify all attacks


#RussiaInvadedUkraine #WarCrimes #RussianAggression #medical #MissileAttacks #PutinWarCriminal #Ukraine #StandWithUkraine #WHO


Simultaneous and coordinated airstrikes against multiple targets across Syria is reported on social media.

The reports claim Israel for the attacks, but it's likely that it's US who is behind those, as Biden signed on the plans a few days ago in retaliation to rocket and drone attacks by what Pentagon blamed on "Iranian backed militant groups trying to force US out of Iraq and Syria'. Possibly both.

There are no details available about the actual targets or any casualties.

Who wants to bet that the people who talk loudly about illegality and barbaric Russian bombings of #Ukraine will not say anything about US and/or Israel actions tonight?

#politics #missileattacks #syria #biden #israel #iran #iraq #occupation