

Auto translated from semi official IRGC paper in Iran: Recent information has emerged regarding the attack on the Mossad headquarters located in Northern Iraq. This particular headquarters, disguised as a villa, was known to be the third most fortified Mossad base in the region. The attack, executed by the IRGC, demonstrated remarkable precision and intelligence, notably occurring during a high-level meeting at the site.

The incident resulted in the loss of four senior Mossad officials, who were present at the meeting. Peshraw Dizayee was also among those killed during the strikes on the headquarters.

#Iran #Iraq #IRGC #MissileStrike #Mozsad #Israel #VallisticMissile #Kurdistan #Terrorism


Another massive explosion was reported in zkiev today.

The video shows the primary explosion by the missile, followed by multiple explosions after that and a massive black smoke and fire somewhere in Kiev.

There are no reports of the type of the target or what caused the secondary explosions, either an amonition depot or fuel storage.

#Kiev #MissileStrike #Ukraine #Russia #Politics #UkraineWar


On Syrian social medias, it was published footages allegedly showing the aftermath of what seems to be a wave of Israeli Air Force Airstrikes in Deir EzZoor military airport

According to the reports, the Israeli Air Force targeted an ammo storehouse Israel claimed belong to Iran forces.

#syria #israel #missilestrike #politics #iran