

Heute vor 100 Jahren

Gisela May

* 31. Mai 1924 † 2. Dezember 2016

Gisela May Singt Brecht - Eisler - Dessau

#GiselaMay #chanson #BertoltBrecht #music #Gedichte #Poesie #nowar #Geburtstag #birthday

Moderne Legende

Text: Bertolt Brecht

Als der Abend übers Schlachtfeld wehte
Waren die Feinde geschlagen.
Klingend die Telegrafendrähte
Haben die Kunde hinausgetragen

Da schwoll am einen Ende der Welt
Ein Heulen, das am Himmelsgewölbe zerschellt’
Ein Schrei, der aus rasenden Mündern quoll
Und wahnsinnstrunken zum Himmel schwoll.
Tausend Lippen wurden vom Fluchen blaß
Tausend Hände ballten sich wild im Haß.

Und am anderen Ende der Welt
Ein Jauchzen am Himmelsgewölbe zerschellt’
Ein Jubeln, ein Toben, ein Rasen der Lust
Ein freies Aufatmen und Recken der Brust.
Tausend Lippen wühlten im alten Gebet
Tausend Hände falteten fromm sich und stet.

In der Nacht noch spät
Sangen die Telegrafendräht’
Von den Toten, die auf dem Schlachtfeld geblieben —
Siehe, da ward es still bei Freunden und Feinden.

Nur die Mütter weinten
Hüben — und drüben.


I watched something on YouTube and then exited to main screen. There were some "shorts" YouTube offered me to watch.

One was about girl in short dress and long socks doing shuffle dance (very cute), one was how to fix furniture hinges (in absolutely the most barbaric way imaginable) and one was showing a high caliber mortar loaded and fired.

From background voices it was clear the mortar video was shot in Ukraine but unclear on which side. So the comments came from both and generally divided into two types: "Yeah, pound these motherfuckers!" and "Yes, this thing can really fuck things up!"

One was different though. It came from someone with name written in Arabic language and it said: "The loader's blood drips on the projectile. This war is just crap like every other one."

At first I thought it was some allegory but then the video looped and I saw it. As the humongous shell was loaded several large drops of blood fell on it.

The following satisfying blast of the shell departing made it easy to overlook this but the guy with the Arabic name saw it. I wondered where that person came from. Syria? Iraq? Afghanistan? But it felt like out of hundreds of commenters this person really knew what the war was.



Hi, I am Alexander, I live in Russia and I am huge cryptocurrency opponent. I hate just about everything about crypto: waste of resources, technical imperfections, five billion kinds of competing coins some of which are clearly fraudulent, great involvement of crypto in scams, speculative investments and all kinds malicious usage some of which were made possible by crypto (e.g. mainstream ransomware). Also little reliability of agents dealing crypto who at the same time have zero responsibility yet require trust.

Who needs "money" like that, right? People invented banking, payment systems and other financial institutions for a reason. I swore I would never touch it.

Year 2022 came and brought War like one Horseman¹ of Apocalypse already hanging around wasn't enough.

  • Most popular global payment systems blocked Russia which was bad enough itself but what was even worse it became almost impossible to pay for services which remained operational but had no other forms of payment.
  • SWIFT bank transfers mostly stopped working and what remained became very expensive.
  • Some foreign investment accounts were frozen. So much for investing in US shares. Poof.
  • EU now forbids exporting euros to Russia and some countries (like Finland) can actually confiscate² cash on border.
  • Local accounts in foreign currency are restricted by the government which means you can't withdraw cash from them in substantial amount.
  • At the same time now they have negative interest rates so if you just leave them they will get depleted anyway. The only way is to convert them to rubles at shamelessly low rates.
  • Ruble, local currency, has about four very different rates towards other currencies (depends where, how and in which direction you convert) and suffers from high inflation (which again is very different depending how you calculate but significant no matter what).
  • Local government as well as just about everyone else tightened all kinds of financial regulations, restrictions and tracking.
  • Looks like everyone declared cold war on cash. I have some money in 500 and 200 euro notes which apparently are next to impossible to use in EU now because are you drug dealer, gun runner or child trafficker as no one else has use for these notes? Locally it is a bit better but clearly not for long.


So here I am standing before you admitting I broke my oath. I still think crypto is crap. So is the current state of the world and I hate to say it but the future doesn't look much brighter. I thought these cryptoanarchists had distorted perspective - apparently not. It is not that their vision is dystopian - it is our world that becomes ugly mess fitting their expectations.

#BraveNewWorld #crypto #cryptocurrency #Russia #nowar

¹ - Pestilence of course. Although if you like the other interpretation where it is Conquest - it fits even better.

² - As I hear they don't formally confiscate euro cash on Finnish border but "take it to be returned later on the next visit" and don't really search for it but it happens.


That would be unacceptable!

US is really acting like they have unlimited money and resources to fight wars all over the planet.

From Venezuela, to Cuba, Somalia, Syria, Ukraina, Iran and Taiwan, the US forces are acting like they are the police of the world and dictate what others allowed to do and don't.

It is just sad that the peace movement in Europe is almost dead and .ost Europeans living in the fear of Russia while the US setting the world on fire (again).

#Hypocrisy #China #Taiwan #StopNATO #NoWarWithChina #Biden #NoWar


In my humble opinion, one of the greatest punk albums of all time. For my English-speaking fellow readers, the Wiki contribution to the album is in German, as especially the "design" section is very interesting. Try/use it with https://www.deepl.com/translator 👍

We don`t make the fuckers and suckers great again! 🖕

Dead Kennedys - Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables (1980)


#Dead-Kennedys #Punk #Punk-Rock #Peace #NoWar #Music #Musik #Musique #YouTube #Video #Wikipedia ☮️