

This actually makes sense as #PTSD is about the lack of social support after a traumatic event A) someone on the #spectrum is much more likely to feel alone in general and therefore will feel like they are suffering alone and B ) the average person will not understand why something a person on spectrum found traumatic is traumatic and therefore dismiss and diminish it, often belittling them for being a wimp. I've found a few triggers here and there but never viewed myself as having PTSD, however looking back on my days prior to college I can see how many of my reactions to stress were hyperfragile. I would just cripple at stresses that were nothing to the average person.
There are serious breakthroughs in the treatment of PTSD with #MDMA , which allows the brain to feel positive emotions on the level of a normal person, #ketamine , which allows the mind to dissociate the emotions from the trauma to help them reframe it in a much less emotionally crippling way and #Psilocybin mushrooms which causes the brain to become hyper-plastic, a person with PTSD has hyper-crystalline memory at the level of an elderly person which makes it hard to change the way one thinks.
I never used MDMA or ketamine but I have used #shrooms 3-4 times in my life and look back that is around the time my life and confidence began to improve. Mind you at the time a LOT of changes were happening including my use of #self-hypnosis , so I can't say for certain if the shrooms helped or not. Luckily its impossible to become addicted to shrooms because they are so overwhelming you want quite a break between them except for maybe #microdosing .
However I would love now to try MDMA and ketamine therapy with a trained #psychologist and see if some of my other issues such as long term #depression which drives my #ADHD which I unknowingly use as a tool to distract myself from depression. Ketamine probably will not be nearly as useful for me as MDMA as I have in fact, possibly because of my #autism, been able to emotionally disconnect from bad memories and reframe them, but I'd be willing to try with qualified therapist if they believe it might help.
That said, John Oliver has recently done an episode showing that due to the severe shortage of licensed therapists, and the way drug/insurance companies fund things, only the rich or upper middle class may have access to these treatments while the poor who have some of the most trauma that often keeps them poor, will be left without this kind of treatment. This will lead many to self-medicate illegally which in the case of MDMA and ketamine can lead to addictions if not dosed properly, and without the therapist engaging in talk therapy, will only give a fraction of the possible benefits.


80 Jahre LSD – Wechselvolle Geschichte eines Psychedelikums | DW | 15.04.2023

1943 erlebte Albert Hofmann den ersten LSD-Trip. Seither galt die LSD mal als Wahnsinns-, mal als Wunderdroge. Für Hofmann entwickelte sich die Droge zum "Sorgenkind". Nun finden Psychedelika ihren Platz in der Medizin.#LSD #Drogen #Psychedelika #Psilocybin #Depression #AlbertHofmann #Sandoz #Bewusstsein #Delysid
80 Jahre LSD – Wechselvolle Geschichte eines Psychedelikums | DW | 15.04.2023


Europe’s first psychedelic drug trial firm to open in London | Drugs | The Guardian

Europe’s first commercial facility for psychedelic drug trials is to open in London, with the goal of making the UK a global leader in psychedelics research and innovation.
The British startup Clerkenwell Health aims to begin trials in its central London facility in August, initially focusing on the use of psilocybin to help people deal with the anxiety associated with a diagnosis of terminal illness, and to support them through their end-of-life care.

#science #medicine #health #MentalHealth #psychiatry #psychotherapy #TerminalIllness #PalliativeCare #drugs #psychedelics #psilocybin



'I felt more joy than I thought possible' | BBC News

"I had the full-blown mystical revelatory experience - the big psychedelic multi-coloured light and sound show."
This is how Steve recalls his first dose of a hallucinogenic drug, psilocybin, the psychedelic compound found in magic mushrooms.

#science #medicine #health #psychiatry #psychotherapy #drugs #psilocybin



Psychedelic frees up depressed brain, study shows | BBC News

Psilocybin, a drug found in magic mushrooms, appears to free up the brains of people with severe depression in a way that other antidepressants do not, a study has found.

This keeps getting reported on again and again and again. And now again.

#science #medicine #health #MentalHealth #depression #psilocybin



"One dose of psilocybin induced rapid growth of dendritic spines in the frontal cortex of mice". "Using chronic two-photon microscopy the researchers imaged the synaptic architecture of the medial frontal cortex in a number of mice." "Within 24 hours of a single psychedelic dose the researchers detected increases in dendritic spine size and density." "One month later a small amount of these new neuronal connections were still present."

"Alongside these structural changes the researchers note functional and behavioral changes were also detected in the animals following the single psilocybin dose. Increased excitatory neurotransmission in the frontal cortex was measured in the mice and stress-related behaviors reduced."

Landmark study shows one dose of psilocybin induces new neural connections

#discoveries #neuroscience #psychedelics #psilocybin #neuroplasticity #neurogenisis #depression


"Der Global Drug Survey ist die weltweit größte Umfrage zum
Drogenkonsum, an der Menschen anonym teilnehmen können.
Die Daten der Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer aus Deutschland
veröffentlicht ZEIT ONLINE jedes Jahr."

"In der Umfrage geht es um die Erfahrungen von Menschen ab 16
Jahren, die psychoaktive Substanzen zu sich nehmen, und ihren

"Ziel ist es, Empfehlungen zu erarbeiten, was Konsumentinnen und
Konsumenten verschiedener Drogen tun können, um Risiken und
Nebenwirkungen zu verringern."

~ https://www.zeit.de/serie/global-drug-survey
