"Psychedelics reopen the social reward learning critical period."
This came out last year but I only found out about it today.
"During specific periods of brain development, the nervous system exhibits heightened sensitivity to ethologically relevant stimuli, as well as increased malleability for synaptic, circuit and behavioural modifications."
"Ethologically relevant" means... relevant to how an animal relates to its natural environment?
"These mechanistically constrained windows of time are called critical periods and neuroscientists have long sought methods to reopen them for therapeutic benefit. Recently, we have discovered a novel critical period for social reward learning and shown that the empathogenic psychedelic MDMA is able to reopen this critical period. This mechanism shares a number of features with the therapeutic effects of MDMA-assisted psychotherapy for the treatment of PTSD, including rapid onset, durability and context dependence."
Ok, so this experiment is based on a technique called "social reward conditioned place preference" for mouse experiments.
"Mice were socially housed (3-5 males) in a cage containing corncob bedding until the pre-determined age for social reward conditioned place preference testing. Each mouse was used for only one behavioural time point. At the pre-determined age, mice were placed in an open field activity chamber equipped with infrared beams and a software interface to monitor the position of the mouse. The apparatus was partitioned into two equally sized zones using a clear Plexiglas wall, with a 5 cm diameter circular hole at the base; each zone contained one type of novel bedding. The amount of time spent freely exploring each zone was recorded during 30-min test sessions. For example, a score of 900 means that the mouse spent exactly 50% of its time on each of the two beddings, whereas a score of 1,800 means that it spent the full 30 min in the bedding that would be subsequently assigned as the social conditioning cue, and no time in the bedding that would be assigned as the isolation conditioning cue. After an initial pre-conditioning trial to establish baseline preference for the two sets of bedding cues, mice were assigned to receive social conditioning (with cage mates) for 24 h on one type of bedding, followed by 24 h of isolation conditioning (without cage mates) on the other bedding cue. To assure unbiased design, chamber assignments were counterbalanced for side and bedding cues. Immediately after the isolation conditioning, a 30-min post-conditioning trial was conducted to establish preference for the two conditioned cues. Conditioned place preference is a learned association between a condition (for example, social) and a cue (bedding). It does not require scent from the other mice, as the bedding itself serves as the cue."
Got that? I'm going to deliberately avoid quoting more from the paper because they use a lot of, um, chemical names that these online information distribution systems such as the one you're using right now disapprove of. (I'm going to let "MDMA" slip though and see if I get away with it.)
Basically the research shows MDMA reinstates social reward learning in a serotonin receptor 2A-independent manner.
"To directly compare treatment-related transcriptional changes specific to the shared ability of psychedelics to reopen the social reward learning critical period, we analysed the gene expression dataset between conditions in which the critical period is in the open state versus conditions where the critical period remains in or returns to the closed state. Using this approach, we identified 65 genes that were significantly differentially expressed. Gene set enrichment analysis of this list identified significant enrichment of ontologies associated with endothelial development, regulation of angiogenesis, vascular development and tissue morphogenesis. Of note, many of the top scoring genes are components of the extracellular matrix or have been implicated in its remodelling, including: Fn1, Mmp16, Trpv4, Tinagl1, Nostrin41, Cxcr4, Adgre5, Robo4 and Sema3g45."
I didn't Google all those genes to see what is known about their function but you're welcome to. I wish I had more time to study the brain, but there is so much to learn and I don't have more time to devote to it right now.
"Additionally, the differentially expressed gene set includes the immediate early genes Fos, Junb, Arc and Dusp. When we did not control for the psychedelic-specific psychoactive response, we identified 39 differentially expressed genes; however, enrichment analysis identified no significant ontologies associated with this gene set, and only 6 genes (Hspa12b, Sema3g, Eng, Flt4, Cavin1, and Ube4b) overlapped with the differentially expressed genes in the open state versus closed state dataset. These results provide evidence that the shared ability of psychedelics to reopen the social reward learning critical period converges at transcriptional regulation of the extracellular matrix. On the basis of these findings, our working model posits that psychedelics act at a diverse array of binding targets (such as sodium-dependent serotonin transporter (SERT), serotonin receptor 2A (5-HT2AR), N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor (NMDA), and kappa-opioid receptor (KOR)), to trigger a downstream signalling response that leads to activity-dependent (perhaps via immediate early genes-mediated coincidence detection) degradation of the extracellular matrix, which in turn is the permissive event that enables metaplasticity. In this model, transcriptional upregulation of extracellular matrix components (for example, Fibronectin (FN1)) and downregulation of extracellular matrix proteolytic enzymes (for example, Matrix Metalloproteinase 16 (MMP-16)), reflects the homeostatic response to these long-lasting cellular changes."
There's a lot more technical work in the paper. But basically, the researchers were able to find evidence of reopening of social learning with the "social reward conditioned place preference" technique, identify brain receptors and even an assortment of genes involved. This is all in mice. Implications for humans not yet known.
#discoveries #neuroscience #psychedelics #criticalperiod #mdma
This actually makes sense as #PTSD is about the lack of social support after a traumatic event A) someone on the #spectrum is much more likely to feel alone in general and therefore will feel like they are suffering alone and B ) the average person will not understand why something a person on spectrum found traumatic is traumatic and therefore dismiss and diminish it, often belittling them for being a wimp. I've found a few triggers here and there but never viewed myself as having PTSD, however looking back on my days prior to college I can see how many of my reactions to stress were hyperfragile. I would just cripple at stresses that were nothing to the average person.
There are serious breakthroughs in the treatment of PTSD with #MDMA , which allows the brain to feel positive emotions on the level of a normal person, #ketamine , which allows the mind to dissociate the emotions from the trauma to help them reframe it in a much less emotionally crippling way and #Psilocybin mushrooms which causes the brain to become hyper-plastic, a person with PTSD has hyper-crystalline memory at the level of an elderly person which makes it hard to change the way one thinks.
I never used MDMA or ketamine but I have used #shrooms 3-4 times in my life and look back that is around the time my life and confidence began to improve. Mind you at the time a LOT of changes were happening including my use of #self-hypnosis , so I can't say for certain if the shrooms helped or not. Luckily its impossible to become addicted to shrooms because they are so overwhelming you want quite a break between them except for maybe #microdosing .
However I would love now to try MDMA and ketamine therapy with a trained #psychologist and see if some of my other issues such as long term #depression which drives my #ADHD which I unknowingly use as a tool to distract myself from depression. Ketamine probably will not be nearly as useful for me as MDMA as I have in fact, possibly because of my #autism, been able to emotionally disconnect from bad memories and reframe them, but I'd be willing to try with qualified therapist if they believe it might help.
That said, John Oliver has recently done an episode showing that due to the severe shortage of licensed therapists, and the way drug/insurance companies fund things, only the rich or upper middle class may have access to these treatments while the poor who have some of the most trauma that often keeps them poor, will be left without this kind of treatment. This will lead many to self-medicate illegally which in the case of MDMA and ketamine can lead to addictions if not dosed properly, and without the therapist engaging in talk therapy, will only give a fraction of the possible benefits.
[VICE] Les gangs de producteurs de MDMA sont une menace écologique pour l’Europe
Des fabricants de drogue en Belgique et aux Pays-Bas empoisonnent des réserves naturelles et endommagent des usines de traitement d’eaux usées alors qu’ils rivalisent pour fournir le monde entier
article du 26 juillet 2021
#MDMA #speed #amphetamines #techno #drogues #Pays-Bas #Belgique #pollution #ecologie #environnement #acetone #eauPotable #TerresAgricoles #CoursDEau #Rivieres #eau #acides
#musique #music #psychedelictrance #psytrance #progressive #trance #alien #visual #trippy #electricsamurai #MrLemilica #trancentral #psychedelic #goa #RYDHMDEE #goadark #SPEEDSOUND #djmix #BrutishHeavyMusic #Astrix #Mandragora #acid #ozora #goa #goatrance #SpeedsoundREC #Alienrecords #PsychedelicUniverse #viral #lsd #mdma #game #Psycodelize
MDMA trials under review in Canada over alleged abuse of study participants | Canada | The Guardian
All clinical trials into the psychoactive drug MDMA are being reviewed by Canadian regulators after complaints about abuse of study participants by a trailblazing American psychedelic research organization.
The California-based Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (Maps) has led the way in conducting trials into the medicinal qualities of the drug. In May 2021, it released results from a phase-three trial in the journal Nature on the benefits of the drug – commonly sold illegally as a powder or within ecstasy tablets – as a breakthrough treatment for PTSD, for which there is currently no effective pharmaceutical treatment.
But the government regulator Health Canada confirmed it had announced a review into the MDMA clinical trials sponsored by Maps that have in part been conducted in Canada, following a complaint that detailed “alleged investigator misconduct”.
#psychiatry #psychotherapy #DrugTreatment #MDMA #PTSD #trauma
voir aussi il y a 9 jours, a propos de Laurent Bigorgne (sur N-R)
#NantesRévoltée #Bigorgne #politique #Macron #ultra-libéral #lobbyiste #patronat #drague #MDMA #justice #LREM,#prédateur #femmes
Laurent #Bigorgne a inspiré toute la #politique économique de #Macron et a même failli être ministre
Vous avez peut-être entendu parler de «l’institut Montaigne». Il s’agit d’un lobby #ultra-libéral, régulièrement invité sur les plateaux de télévision. On entend ses représentants réclamer la suppression de certains congés payés, la privatisation des retraites ou de l’éducation. À la tête de cette entreprise de démolition sociale, Laurent Bigorgne. L’institut fondé par l’ancien PDG d’AXA est financé par des entreprises du CAC 40. Et son directeur est «spécialiste» de l’ #éducation, mais aussi très proche de Macron. Pour lui, les enseignants ne sont pas «mal payés», et d’ailleurs, ils sont déjà trop nombreux.
Dès 2016, quand une petite équipe se monte autour de Macron, qui est ministre de l’économie, Laurent Bigorgne participe aux réunions pour soutenir son ami. Ils se connaissent depuis 2012. Le lobbyiste est issu des rangs de l’ #UNEF-ID, syndicat étudiant lié au Parti Socialiste. Pendant la campagne de 2017, c’est lui qui va mettre en forme une partie du programme de Macron, tout en occupant son poste à l’Institut Montaigne. Laurent Bigorgne va même héberger le mouvement En Marche, récemment créé, à son domicile personnel. À la fois conseiller secret et #lobbyiste du #patronat, il est de toutes les réunions stratégiques, participe à la levée de fond de En Marche en activant son réseau. Lorsqu’il est élu, Macron propulse au Ministère de l’Éducation Jean-Michel Blanquer, un vieux compagnon de l’Institut Montaigne : il est membre d’un comité satellite de l’Institut, et y a organisé des «expériences pédagogiques» financées par des fortunes privées dont #Axa – 200 000 euros –, #Bettencourt – 180 000 euros – et #Dassault – 100 000 euros.
Durant le quinquennat, Laurent Bigorgne rêve même d’un grand Ministère de l’Éducation Nationale incluant l’enseignement supérieur, pour aller plus loin dans la privatisation de l’éducation. Durant tout le quinquennat, c’est lui qui inspire les mesures gouvernementales en la matière. Évaluer les établissements comme s’il s’agissait d’entreprises ? Donner un pouvoir de manager aux chefs d’établissement ? Grand bond en avant dans la destruction des universités ? Parcoursup ? «Coaching» éducatif privé ? Derrière toutes ces mesures, la marque de l’Institut Montaigne. De même que les formules creuses, du genre «libérer les énergies» régulièrement utilisées par Blanquer : des éléments de langage de l’Institut.
Le 22 février, Laurent Bigorgne #drague lourdement une de ses collaboratrices dans le cadre d’une soirée. Il consomme de la #cocaïne. Alors qu’elle vient de boire une coupe de champagne, elle se sent subitement mal et file à l’hôpital. Les analyses révèlent qu’elle a été #droguée à son insu par une substance, la #MDMA. Laurent Bigorgne reconnaît les faits lors d’une garde à vue. Mais il est relâché et convoqué libre, en procès, le 10 mars pour «administration de substance nuisible». La #justice ne retient pas d’intention à caractère sexuel. Difficile d’imaginer pourtant que le mis en cause en est à sa première fois. Le directeur de l’Institut Montaigne, ami de Macron, membre fondateur de #LREM, et #prédateur à la fois de l’enseignement publique et des #femmes qui l’entourent, vient de démissionner de son poste.
Creamfields: Man caught bringing 'MDMA Tesla' ecstasy into festival - BBC News
Interesting design.If I was Tesla I would not like to be associated with drugs.
#seratonin :) #addiction #depression
#mercola #lustig
#moodstability #dementia #stress #nutrition #connection #dopaminevsseratonin #habit #reward #processedfood #happiness #pleasure #happinessvspleasure #taking #giving #bravenewworld #mortality #relationships #neurotransmitters #excitatoryneurotransmitters #excitotoxins #dopamine #postsynaptic #postsynapticneuron #contentment #inhibitoryneuroreceptor #addictiontransfer #bariatricsurgery #sugar #individualrights #corporaterights #posttruthsociety #eatreal #responsible #epicurean #agricultural #leadership #greenfork #cellphones #mobilephones #mindfulness #regulatorycontradiction #regulatoryerosion #regulatorycapture #resteraunts #homecooking #knowyourfood #sleep #multitasking #exercise #gut #happygut #happybacteria #happybacteriahappyhuman #gutflora #triptophan #chicken #eggs #omega3fattyacids #neurondistensability #learningyouarewrongishalfthebattle #mTor #dha #omega3fat #omega3 #saturatedfat #monounsaturatedfat #goodfat #endocannabinoids #dopaminetolerance #seratonintolerance #3weeksreceptorrestoration #3yearscravings #neurogenesis #letitrecover #youcanliftyourselfout #nicotine #mdma
#connect #contribute #cope #cook
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~ https://www.zeit.de/serie/global-drug-survey
#LSD, #Ecstasy, or #Speed: Which Feels Better?
The results were assessed using the 5 Dimensions of Altered States of Consciousness (5D-ASC) scale and Mystical Experience Questionnaire (MEQ). The authors monitored plasma concentrations of oxytocin, the so-called "cuddle hormone” that plays a role in social bonding as well as brain-derived neurotrophic factor, a hormone that is linked to neurogenesis because psychedelics may have a brain-regenerative potential.