

Origins of Remote Viewing

Don't let the military element put you off from watching this amazing documentary about the possibilities of Human Consciousness.
Luckily they managed to interview Jim Cannon before his demise. Cosmic Stuff !
#UnifiedConsciousness #Consciousness #Transformation #Permaculture #RemoteViewing #Dracos #Nagas #Optimism #PsychicAbitities #PsychicSpies #SecretProgram #Stargate #Unity #Spirituality #Connection #Paranormal #


This is very very interesting! It's an interview with #remote #viewer Edward Riordan, and he looked at #QAnon and found out that they are a very intelligent group of people, but #Q is just a part of a larger plan, and the plan is to change #humanity. It will be hard to resist the promises they will offer - scanning the brain and fixing your problems so that you can be freed from your burdens - but even though it's a beautiful offer, there is potential for mind control that comes with it. Gets good around the 48 minute mark. https://trusttheq.com/remote-viewing-qanon-with-edward-riordan/ #remoteviewing #edwardriordan #luciferian #darktolight #falselight #future #nano #nanogel #satellite #AI #eventhorizon


Interesting read. You've probably heard the predictions of great loss of #population by the year #2025. Here's the author's educated guesses on what will cause the #depopulation. He believes #remoteviewing was used to see the future population. Remote viewing is more than just a talent - it can be taught and has been used by the military for many years now. Gets interesting almost halfway down. BlueNarWal has a lot to say. It's not a war between #china and US, but between the #globalist #elite and the populace. https://metallicman.com/the-shocking-2025-deagel-forecast-and-remote-viewing-the-future/ #remote #viewing #depopulation #vaccine #variants