

Конец судебным разбирательствам BEHEMOTH


BEHEMOTH одержали окончательную победу над польским правительством в деле о гербе. Это тянулось с 2017 года Еще в 2017 году фронтмен Behemoth Адам «Нергал» Дарски, мерч-дизайнер группы Рафал Вехтерович и веб-мастер Behemoth Мацей Г. были обвинены польским правительством за оскорбление польского герба на футболке группы. С тех пор это дело было дважды отменено, а третье … Читать далее «Конец судебным разбирательствам BEHEMOTH»

Сообщение Конец судебным разбирательствам BEHEMOTH появились сначала на "Neformal site".

#metalmusic #2017 #behemoth #blackmetal #deathmetal #нергал #оскорблениепольскогогерба #суд #lang_ru #метал #neformalsiteru


I have decided to release all my Gulag films to the public for free because #censorship is alarmingly increasing in the #USA and that leads to #genocide, as we saw in the #USSR.


My GULAG MAGADAN ( #2017) #full #movie at HD 1080p

Censorship is becoming such a threat in the USA here in 2024 that these full movies must be released to the public to make the public aware that Censorship leads to Genocide, specifically the genocide of 65 million (Kurganov, Solzhenitsyn), 62 million (RJ Rummel), 50 million (Norman Davies) #human beings in the far-left Marxist Communist Soviet Union (USSR) from 1917-1991.

The Marxist USSR 1936 Constitution made "Hate" the subjective human emotion, an illegal act, and thus tens of millions of people were sent to the Gulag concentration extermination camps because they had human emotion.

Marxism wants to turn people into animals, Gulag slave animals, with no voice, no mind, no spirit. You can also watch my three Gulag films on my official website: www.gulagfilms.org Spread these films around, and by all means, feel free to add additional information so the next generations can protect themselves from such genocide. - Michael Kingsbury, writer, director, cinematographer.


The #Spars pandemic was simulated at The Johns Hopkins University in October of #2017. We all know what happens to #simulations. They become real. This is our #future.
Diana Lenska's video is being supressed. Let's make this thing go viral. The Spars #Pandemic #2025 to #2028 #Simulated at the Johns Hopkins University in 2017 https://www.bitchute.com/video/Aqtj7flCNVs8/
https://fakeotube.com/video/2339/the-spars-pandemic-2025-to-2028-simulated-at-the-johns-hopkins-university-in-2017# extra note-- #COROVAX was mentioned in the Spars pandemic scenerio OCT 2017- COROVAX is used for the pandemic 2025 -- CORAVAX become a real company on March 2020 - watch 11:52 thru 15:20 minute mark

#Capitalisme, #Climat, #Luttes #Écologie, #Gouvernement #Pétrole #La-Teste-de-Buch #Incendies #Forêt

Le capitalisme pétrolier à l’attaque de La-Teste-de-Buch

Un cercle vicieux écocidaire

Durant l’été #2022 La-Teste-de-Buch était ravagée par un #incendie, 7000 hectares de #forêts partis en fumée. Plus largement, 17.000 hectares étaient détruits en #Gironde, la région était ravagée durant cet été. Les #méga-feux sont renforcés par le changement climatique qui est causé majoritairement pas la consommation d’ #énergies-fossiles, en tête desquelles le charbon et le pétrole.

C’est donc avec un cynisme total, sur les cendres à peine refroidies de ces incendies, que le projet de l’ #entreprise canadienne #Vermillon-Energy, premier producteur de pétrole en France, vient d’obtenir un avis favorable à l’issue d’une enquête publique. Ce projet prévoit la réalisation de huit nouveaux #forages-pétroliers dans la forêt de La-Teste-de-Buch portant à 101 le nombre de forages de cette société en France, dont 58 sont actifs.

La préfecture doit maintenant se prononcer sur ce projet #écocidaire. En théorie, la réponse devrait être simple : en #2017 une loi était votée en France pour stopper progressivement l’exploitation des hydrocarbures d’ici à 2040. Une réponse positive de la préfecture serait donc une bien étrange manière de sortir des hydrocarbures. Mais l’histoire récente nous rappelle que la cohérence étouffe rarement le #pouvoir en place (au contraire de la lutte contre les violences policières qui étouffe Darmanin).

Les résultats de l’enquête publique sont affligeants. Totalisant 102 contributions, le rapport mentionne clairement un “reflet des inquiétudes légitimes du public face aux grands enjeux liés aux émissions de gaz à effet de serre et au réchauffement climatique”. L’acceptation de ce projet est donc un énième manque de respect des institutions à l’égard des populations locales et de la vie en général. C’est aussi un mépris profond pour les accords de Paris, dont le bilan est actuellement réalisé à la mascarade de la #COP28, à Dubaï.

Comble de l’ironie, l’enquêtrice Carole Ancla justifie le projet par un argumentaire délirant. En effet, si le pétrole est produit en France, cela diminue les émissions liées à son transport. On aurait ici affaire à une sorte de pétrole bas carbone.
Bienvenue en absurdie capitaliste, où des #lobbyistes mégalos se moquent ouvertement de l’avenir des populations.
Cet argument de “pétrole éco-responsable” est d’ailleurs balayé d’un revers de manche par Pantxika Etcheverry, Directrice générale de Vermilion France, pour le coup bien plus honnête : “C’est important de pouvoir stabiliser notre cœur d’activité pour réfléchir à nos projets d’avenir comme l’hydrogène bas carbone ou la géothermie”. La fuite en avant d’un capitalisme débridé et mortifère qui laisse croire que l’innovation viendra solutionner les problèmes climatiques.

Ne soyons pas dupe de la #communication gouvernementale : le climat est à la dérive et les solutions à apporter ne résident en rien dans les solutions offertes par la Start-Up Nation. N’attendons rien de nos dirigeants, organisons la lutte !

Quelques sources :


Yyyyyup! tests were ready in 2017.
Not only that, COVID19 appeared, by that name, in a UK Gov document listing scary infectious diseases in 2015.
Not only that, the SARS-Cov2 viral line was fraudulently patented in 2002, and no significant changes since then.
Buuuuut if you’re actively avoiding looking at clues, these three pieces of information will plink off your eyeballs.
#agnotology #2017 #2015 #2002 and earlier. #2001 #1997 #sackthepnac #1984. #1974. #1948. #1947
… beware the lies to scare you into the agentic state, obeying, without question. power over others, attracts psychos.


enter image description here

#Decoding The #Economist #2017 #Cover — “Planet Trump” | #Tarot and the “ #Trump #Cards

You’ll notice that the last tarot card (bottom right) is entitled “The Star” and shows a comet, in the dead center. At the bottom of this tarot card is the surface of a reddish/purple cratered moon (perhaps this tells us where to look for the comet). I believe placing “The Star” tarot card last is significant, and it is meant to mark the end of this cycle, as Edward suggests in his remote viewing session.

Lyn Buchanan’s RVing of the future correlates with Edward’s work. Sean Patrick Hazlett did two great interviews with Lyn Buchanan on this subject, which are on Sean’s YT channel, “Through a Glass Darkly”.
What Causes The Massive Depopulation by 2040 That Lyn Buchanan Saw in 1998 (Episode 105)?- Oct 31, 2022 | Through A Glass Darkly
The Passive Revolt of 2040 with Lyn Buchanan (Episode 148)- March 29, 2023 | Through A Glass Darkly

From the first interview, this is what Lyn Buchanan saw in the future:
Quote @7m 41s
in the year 2020, a series of man-made natural disasters was going to start happening. It would last for about 20 years. By the end of the 20 years, almost 75 percent of the population of the U.S, and generally the world, would have been killed off. So a resident [population] of about 25 percent, and that after that the governments would have to change. The economy would have to change everything. People would be more self-sufficient. Starting in 2020, I got that cities schools and things like that, would start emptying out. People would start teaching their kids at home. Any communication between people would be through technological means and all that, and that it was a man-made natural disaster, and a series. It was the start of a series of man-made natural disasters.

@19m 37s
and what I got was that after 2040 the population is culled out, the remnant of people are demanding honest government, fair economic situations. They still live separated, and they still have the technology that they didn't have back in the 1800s. So communication with each other through technology is so much easier and becomes the standardized thing. The personal meetings and all that generally wind up being a thing of the past.

Also the IQ level of, the general IQ level average goes very high. So, you know the remnant of the people are generally very high IQ, very demanding on honesty freedom and so on. And that for the next many, many decades it's really sort of an, earth is really sort of the ideal place to live, that mankind as a unit is better off for this whole thing.

What if each tarot card represents one year, starting with 2016 for the "The Tower" tarot card? This would make sense since the second tarot card "Judgement" has Trump sitting on the USA, holding a crown in his right hand and the scepter with eagle [symbolizing US] in his left hand. 2017 would be when Trump took office as POTUS. Following this logic, the "Death" tarot card would be 2020 and that is certainly when the pandemic hit. Now, while we didn't get the mushroom cloud in 2020, we did get death and pestilence as indicated by the two insects on the "Death" card. And lastly, the bottom right tarot card "The #Star" would then correspond to #2023. Edward did say the event could happen in 2023.


Edward Snowden exposes US surveillance & Intelligence Ops - Rewind 2017


This video is a talk with former #CIA and #NSA officer #EdwardSnowden about #US #surveillance and #covert-operations. We also talk about the importance of #privacy to #democracy and what citizens can do to #protect it. This #interview was originally conducted in #2017. We are #republishing it today, as this topic has completely disappeared from #mainstream discourse.

0:00 Introduction * 1:26 History of US Covert Ops * 11:45 Past Whistleblowers * 19:52 US Surveillance Program * 34:35 Is Tyranny here? *
45:13 Snowden's Normal Day

#snowden #zainraza #intelligence #fbi #privacy #russia #germany #uk #whistleblowers #tyranny