

#scriptures #lamb #ram #sacrifice
Jesus ~ Born in Israel during the Lambing Season. It’s believed by Biblical scholars that Jesus was born in early April.
The Lamb of God
- John 3:16
16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.


#scriptures #creation
SUNDAY. August 18, 2024
John 1. King James

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
2 The same was in the beginning with God.
3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.
4 In him was life; and the life was the light of men.
5 And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.


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The #Six #Enemies of The #Mind ( #Arishadvarga / #Shadripu)
These are the fundamental tenets of #Kali-yuga ( The #Dark-Age)

#kama — lust, craze, desire
#krodha — anger, hatred
#lobha — greed, miserliness, narrow minded
#moha — delusory emotional attachment
#mada — pride, stubborn mindedness
#matsarya — envy, jealousy, show or vanity, and pride
According to #Hindu #scriptures, these #bind the #soul to the #cycle of #birth and #death and keep it confined in this material world (confines of #Maya or relative existence). Especially the first three are said to pave the way towards #hell. The first two bring about difficult experiences we face in our lives.

No matter how powerful, rich, successful or outwardly happy we are, we cannot be considered mature if we have not conquered these six #internal #enemies.

In fact, #SanātanaDharma says that we will never be truly #happy and #peaceful #within our #hearts unless we defeat these six enemies — the ‘ #Shadripus.’



#scriptures #egypt #art #christian
Rest on the Flight into Egypt.
Artist: Luc-Olivier Merson (1846–1920) French
Matthew Chapter 2
- The wise men are directed by a star to Jesus—Joseph takes the child to Egypt—Herod slays the children in Bethlehem—Jesus is taken to Nazareth to dwell.


#art #scriptures #judas
October 13, 2023 ~Friday
Origin of the ominous superstition.
Judas was one of the twelve apostles at the Last Supper. He was the 13th person. He left the table to betray Jesus.
Judas ~ The Last Supper, by Benjamin West
Detroit Institute of Arts, Detroit, Michigan, United States.


#bible #scriptures
No one is to blame. I thought of this on my own. Perhaps a great truth behind a biblical tale. There's more going on than our little minds can possibly imagine.

A portal. Intergalactic Travel.


#angel #art #myths #legends #religion #scriptures

The Archangel Sandalphon is known as the Angel of Music. He rules over music in heaven and helps people on Earth use music to communicate with God in prayer.

Sandalphon means "co-brother," which refers to Sandalphon's status as the spiritual brother of the archangel Metatron. The ending of -on indicates that he ascended to his position as an angel after first having lived a human life, believed by some to be the prophet Elijah, who ascended to heaven on a horse-drawn chariot of fire and light.

Other spellings of his name include Sandalfon and Ophan (Hebrew for "wheel"). This refers to ancient people's identification of Sandalphon as one of the living creatures with spiritual wheels from a vision recorded in Ezekiel chapter 1 of the Bible.
Roles of Archangel Sandalphon

Sandalphon also receives the prayers of people on Earth when they arrive in heaven, and he then weaves the prayers into spiritual flower garlands to present to God, according to the liturgy for the Jewish Feast of Tabernacles.

People sometimes ask for Sandalphon's help to deliver their prayers and songs of praise to God, and to learn how to use their God-given talents to make the world a better place. Sandalphon is said to have lived on Earth as the prophet Elijah before ascending to heaven and becoming an archangel, just as his spiritual brother, Archangel Metatron, lived on Earth as the prophet Enoch before becoming a heavenly archangel. Some people also credit Sandalphon with leading the guardian angels; others say that Archangel Barachiel leads the guardian angels.
In art, Sandalphon is often depicted playing music, to illustrate his role as the patron angel of music.
Energy Color

The angel color of red is associated with Archangel Sandalphon. It is also associated with Archangel Uriel.
Sandalphon's Role According to Religious Texts

Sandalphon rules one of the seven levels of heaven, according to religious texts, but they don't agree on which level. The ancient Jewish and Christian non-canonical Book of Enoch says that Sandalphon rules over the third heaven. The Islamic Hadith says that Sandalphon is in charge of the fourth heaven. The Zohar (a sacred text for Kabbalah) names the seventh heaven as the place where Sandalphon leads other angels. Sandalphon presides over the exit from the spheres of the Kabbalah's Tree of Life.
Other Religious Roles

Sandalphon is said to join the angelic armies that archangel Michael leads to fight Satan and his evil forces in the spiritual realm. Sandalphon is a leader among the seraphim class of angels, who surround God's throne in heaven.


#writing #photography #scriptures


If there is a flaw in anything
it will become apparent now.
Once, long ago, everything was perfect.
There was no death or decay.
Then came The Fall.
Earth cracked open, and moaned.
Whirlwinds blew.
Briars and thorns grew where there were
once beautiful gardens and flowers.
All living things ~ will eventually die.

  • Ivy Blackledge Whitfield

India's Gnostic Gospel: Kabir's Ocean of Love (Anurag Sagar) - Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast

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"Hazur [Baba Sawan Singh] one day told Seth Vasdev, whose car is always at Hazur's disposal, that he should read Kabir Sahib's Anurag Sagar (The Ocean of Intense Love). Hazur said that without studying it, one cannot fully understand the difference between Kal (the negative power) and Dayal Mat (the Path of the true and Merciful God), nor can one fully grasp the teachings of Sant Mat." (Rai Sahib Munshi Ram quoted in the Introduction to, The Ocean of Love: The Anurag Sagar of Kabir, English translation, published by Sant Bani Ashram)

"First of all I salute the Satguru, Who showed me the Inconceivable God -- Who, lighting the lamp of the Master's Knowledge and opening the veil, made me have His darshan [vision]... Only the connoisseur, who will test the Shabda [Word] and listen to the teachings with full attention and within whom these teachings will dwell, only he will understand this. He within whom the Sun of Knowledge will manifest and remove the darkness of attachment -- only he will understand this. I am telling you this Anurag Sagar (Ocean of Love) -- only rare saints will understand... As long as the soul remains in the body, 0 brother, practice the Path of Shabda... The path of the Essential Shabda is subtle, easy and perfect; but only the brave can follow it... The Union of Surat [Soul] and Shabda -- when one gets Shabda, he reaches the realm of the saints. It is the play of the drop and the Ocean. What else can one say? After meeting the Satguru, one understands the play of Shabda and Surat. It is the union of the drop and the Ocean. What else can one say? Giving up the qualities of mind, one should follow the Path of the Master. Such a soul goes to Sat Lok and derives Happiness from the Ocean of Happiness... He who gets the Shabda becomes free of the dirt of birth after birth. The jiva [Soul] who gets the Naam and Simran goes to Sat Lok. The soul who accepts the Shabda of the Master with firmness becomes as valuable as nectar. He goes back to his home with the strength of Sat Naam and his soul sings in peace and happiness." (selections from, The Anurag Sagar)

The Anurag Sagar, Guru Kabir's Ocean of Love, is one of many sacred texts composed and used by the Dharamdasi branch of Kabir Panth, the Sant Dharam Das line of Masters (the People of the Anurag Sagar). The Anurag Sagar is but one of many volumes in a larger collection known as the Kabir Sagar (Ocean of Kabir) consisting of many scriptures with the same question and answer format of dialogues (catechism) between Kabir (the Master) and Sant Dharam Das (the disciple). The Anurag Sagar is an essential text of Sant Mat, the Path of the Masters in the guru lineage of Sant Dharam Das, in the satsangs of Sant Dariya Sahib of Bihar and Sant Tulsi Sahib of Hathras. It remains popular with Radhasoami's as it was greatly valued by Soamiji Maharaj of Agra, Hazur Baba Sawan Singh, and is still considered essential reading by their spiritual successors up to the present time.

God is the Ocean of Love.

In Divine Love, Light and Sound, Radhasoami, Peace Be to You,

James Bean

Spiritual Awakening Radio Website:

Introduction to Sant Mat Spirituality and Meditation -- Web Page:

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