

Yes, well, 9/11, 20 years on.
I was in lower Manhattan that day.

I lost friends. I was traumatized like everyone, and tried to help as I could, not easy with a mostly-shut-down brain and surrounded by chaos, confusion and tragedy.

I thought I'd avoided over-dosing on all the news of events, speeches, memorials, etc. Twenty years. And at the stroke of 9/11/21 I received this, from the sister of a friend killed that day.

For the historical (and emotional) record -
From the sister of my friend, Steve Jacobson, a hero many times over, who perished at the top of the WTC, 9/11/01 -


Hope everyone is doing well.

It doesn't seem like 20 years has gone by since the 9/11 attacks on our country but it has. To me, it seems like yesterday. We all remember where we were when it happened and couldn't believe what we were seeing on tv.

My heart sinks every time I hear about our brave servicemen being severely injured or dying, many of whom signed up right after the attack. Now each time I hear that any first responder is afflicted with some health issue related to the attacks or has died from a 9/11 related cancer, etc., I cry. You see, 9/11 doesn't go away.

Never forget.

#911 #Sept1 #September11 #WTC #WorldTradeCenter #NeverForget #NYC #NewYork #history