

#Cybermonde - L'avenir c'est maintenant

La promesse d' #Internet, l'or noir des #data, l'intelligence artificielle, la #cyberguerre : en quatre tableaux, revue des récents bouleversements causés par l'irruption du #cyber dans nos vies.

Avec l'intervention de #ShoshanaZuboff #Zuboff, auteure de L’Âge du capitalisme de surveillance :

Tous tracés, et alors ? Bienvenue dans le #capitalisme de #surveillance ! Les géants du web, #Google, #Facebook, #Microsoft et consorts, ne cherchent plus seulement à capter toutes nos #données, mais à orienter, modifier et conditionner tous nos comportements : notre #vie sociale, nos émotions, nos pensées les plus intimes… jusqu’à notre bulletin de vote. En un mot, #décider à notre place ...

#Documentaire #IA #AI #ReconnaissanceFaciale #Pouvoir


Shoshana Zuboff on surveillance capitalism


In this #documentary, #Zuboff reveals how the biggest #tech #companies deal with our data and reveals a #merciless form of #capitalism in which no #natural #resources, but the #citizen itself, serves as a #raw #material. How can citizens regain #control of their #data?

#shoshanazuboff #vpro #surveillance #digital #economy #residual #behavorial #internet #algorithms #privacy #security #unprecedented #resist #gdpr #democracy #society


Une entrevue passionnante de 2019, mais en anglais (cela dit, elle parle lentement et clairement).

Sur le capitalisme de surveillance (le titre de son livre) et le fait que cette technologie a envahi tout notre espace vital via les smartphones Android en premier lieu (mais Apple n'est pas en reste, juste un peu en retard). Entre le thermostat relié au téléphone et à Google, Pokemon Go créé par Google pour mener les gens physiquement dans des magasins, afin de leur proposer des produits, et d'autres joyeusetés, on n'est pas aidés...

#CapitalismedeSurveillance #ShoshanaZuboff #Google #Facebook #capitalisme #manipulation

Shoshana Zuboff on surveillance capitalism


On authors who were publishing information technology panopticon concerns in the 1980s, or earlier

A quickie dump.

Paul Baran / RAND

  • "On the Engineer's Responsibility in Protecting Privacy"

  • "On the Future Computer Era: Modification of the American Character and the Role of the Engineer, or, A Little Caution in the Haste to Number"

  • "The Coming Computer Utility -- Laissez-Faire, Licensing, or Regulation?"

  • "Remarks on the Question of Privacy Raised by the Automation of Mental Health Records"

  • "Some Caveats on the Contribution of Technology to Law Enforcement"

Largely written/published 1967--1969.


Willis Ware / RAND

Too numerous to list fully, 1960s --1990s. Highlights:

  • "Security and Privacy in Computer Systems" (1967)

  • "Computers in Society's Future" (1971)

  • "Records, Computers and the Rights of Citizens" (1973

  • "Privacy and Security Issues in Information Systems" (1976)

  • "Information Systems, Security, and Privacy" (1983)

  • "The new faces of privacy" (1993)



Shoshana Zuboff, In the Age of the Smart Machine: The Future of Work and Power (1988) Notably reviewed in the Whole Earth Catalog's Signal: Communication Tools for the Information Age (1988).

https://www.worldcat.org/title/in-the-age-of-the-smart-machine-the-future-of-work-and-power/oclc/60966402 https://archive.org/details/inageofsmartmach00zubo/page/n7/mode/2up

"Danger to Civil Rights?", 80 Microcomputing (1982)

https://archive.org/stream/80_Microcomputing_Issue_26_1982-02_1001001_US#page/n295/mode/2up (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=14329877)

"Computer-Based National Information Systems: Technology and Public Policy", NTIS (September 1981)


"23 to Study Computer ‘Threat’" (1970)


The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

"Privacy and Information Technology" bibliography is largely 1990--present, but contains some earlier references.


Similarly "Privacy"


Credit Reporting / Legislation

US Privacy Act of 1974


Invasion of Privacy Act 1971 - Queensland Government, Australia


Arthur R. Miller, The assault on privacy: computers, data banks, and dossiers


"The Computer, the Consumer and Privacy" (1984)


Richard Boeth / Newsweek

The specific item I'd had in mind:

Richard Boeth, "Is Privacy Dead", Newsweek, July 27, 1970


Direct PDF: https://assets.documentcloud.org/documents/712228/1970-newsweek-coverstory-privacy.pdf

Based on an HN comment: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=24851736

#privacy #surveillance #panopticon #PaulBaran #WillisWare #RAND #ShoshanaZuboff #RichardBoeth #CreditReporting


Freedombox , Freedombone and The Age of Surveillance Capitalism

I look at the #Freedombox and #Freedombone projects with interest as I think these will be what the future #Internet will be built on, if we want to move away from #SurveillanceCapitalism. The book written by #ShoshanaZuboff , The Age of Surveillance Capitalism , is a brilliant snapshot of how bad things have got with today's Internet. We need to rebuild a decentralised web if we are to take back control of what was built for the people and not against the people.

Projects like Freedombox and Freedombone have noble intents but how widely are they deployed and at what point will mass deployment on these systems really start making a difference? Until things like #Federverse and #decentralisation hit the mainstream news, are we really going to see a massive shift in behaviors? Are we going to see a change in the way people use the Internet? What we really need is a #MeToo movement that opens people's eyes against the abuses of the big five: #Google , #Facebook , #Amazon , #Apple and #Microsoft. #MeToo was born within #Hollywood, no wonder it got traction ... The new Internet will need its own Hollywood, won't it ...?
