

My writers' group reviewed the seventh and last of the #stories in my 'story cycle', a set of stories in what I describe as a low-magic #fantasy world (which became increasingly #queer as I went). It's a chunky one, much longer than the previous six. Most of them wanted me to write more, possibly turning this story into a novel. I don't think so. The stories all together are meant to form a novella.

Still, it's good to be appreciated and receive constructive feedback, and I was congratulated on finishing this project, even if there's still a fair amount of editing to do. It feels good. After all, I wrote the first story more than ten years ago, when two friends and I formed a small writing group. I picked the up the writing during lockdown and it's finally getting there.

#WIP #WritingCommunity #writers #amwriting

  • "Allez gros nuage!"
  • "On n'a pas besoin de toi! Retires-toi!"
  • "On est p'tits, mais on a du souffle, hein!!"

Et tous les petits nuage se mirent ensemble pour souffler!
Et le gros nuage (il n'était pas méchant, mais il semblait très fort!) s'en retourna vers l'Ouest.

C'était dans les habitudes des gros nuages de se glisser vers l'Est et, sans crier "Gare!",
de débarquer dans le grand ciel Bleu...
Les petits nuages, eux, ils n'aimaient pas ça du tout!

C'est l'histoire de Monsieur Bleu qui dû intervenir pour que
la Paix entre les Flocons et les méchants Gouttes se face enfin
la Paix de No Vembre! Quelle contrée que celle de No Vembre!

Tout commença par un matin brumeux...

© Réjean Leroux 2022
05 Novembre — #mywork, #myphoto, #photo, #photographie, #photography, #foto #amateur, #couleur, #gimp, #Montreal, #Montréal,
