

𓊞 RAPT (Music movie)

Directed by Akinola Davies Jr. ✴︎ Music by Kokoroko

𓊞 𓊞 𓊞 𓊞 𓊞 𓊞 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3IK_RAx4l9c 𓊞 𓊞 𓊞 𓊞 𓊞 𓊞

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#AkinolaDaviesJr #makoko #lagos #nigeria #stories #movie ✴︎ #Kokoroko #CouldWeBeMore #afrobeat #music

-> Ewà Inú by Kokoroko (2022), my fave track in the movie, the first three minutes or so, to the bridge...
(much less a fan of the other tracks, but the visuals are still magnificent...)


Was von der Nacht liegenblieb: Ein Origami-Schwan auf faltigem Tischtuch. Ein geöffnetes Buch, Hochglanzfotos und verlorene Orte. Blumen in den Bildern, Blumen im Keramikkrug mit den blauen Ornamenten. Und die schöne Vorstellung, dass Geschichten auch leben durch das Gefühl des schweren Papiers unter den Händen, den Duft von Druck, Farbe und Bindung, die räumliche Begrenztheit im Eigenleben unsortierter Regale. (Abwegigkeiten. Früh, in den Stunden, bevor alles wieder erwacht. Früh, vor dem ersten Kaffee und dem gewohnten Weg. Habt es mild heute!)

#outerworld #the_waking_city #before_sunrise #stories_of_old

#the waking city #before sunrise #stories of old



Bobbing Around Volume 23 Number 12
Posted on 23/06/2024 by Dr Bob Rich

New content Posts during the past month

#ENVIRONMENT We still have a little time. Here is how to use it.
Being childfree saves a future for children
Can individual actions have an impact on global warming? How do small changes in behaviour affect the environment?
GOOD NEWS Vermont leads: make climate criminals pay for damage
More on Vermont: saving pollinators
Four out of five people are sane: UN report

#POLITICS On human shields The Ukraine invasion hasn’t gone away
One of the major reasons I am proud to be in the Australian Greens
#PSYCHOLOGY Wired-in compassion
Terrified I want to die before the horrors of the near-future get me
Oh the stories we tell! How they can change your life
DEEPER ISSUES Human nature being what it is: cooperative and helpful
#TECHNOLOGY Pedal power Wheel in mouth disease
#HEALTH Medicated ecosystem

#WRITING Where do my ideas come from?: June, 2024 round robin.
ANNOUNCEMENTS Pragito’s free book
And Pragito’s course on creating miracles
Ned Kelly’s son rides again You just have to read Mary Tod’s thriller
#STORIES A new addition to my SF series
#POETRY Joyous Litha, by Laurie Corzett

"Content should be non-discriminatory, polite and relevant. Announcements should be 100 to 200 words, shorter if possible. Book reviews, essays and stories should be at the very most 500 words, poems up to 30 lines.

Author bios should be about 50 words, and if possible include a web address."


My writers' group reviewed the seventh and last of the #stories in my 'story cycle', a set of stories in what I describe as a low-magic #fantasy world (which became increasingly #queer as I went). It's a chunky one, much longer than the previous six. Most of them wanted me to write more, possibly turning this story into a novel. I don't think so. The stories all together are meant to form a novella.

Still, it's good to be appreciated and receive constructive feedback, and I was congratulated on finishing this project, even if there's still a fair amount of editing to do. It feels good. After all, I wrote the first story more than ten years ago, when two friends and I formed a small writing group. I picked the up the writing during lockdown and it's finally getting there.

#WIP #WritingCommunity #writers #amwriting


Waldwärts. Große Höfe, niedrige Dächer, ebensolche Fenster im alten, vorsichtig sanierten Fachwerk. Man kennt die Einwohner, sieht keine Gesichter, weiß nicht, ob die Gardinen im Windhauch schwingen oder unter der Berührung, der man auch die gefühlten, beobachtenden, messenden Blicke zuschreibt. Auf dem Beton der Einfahrt liegen bunte Blütenblätter, die Sträucher tragen Osterschmuck. Aber die Zäune werden höher, die wachsamen Hunde größer und lauter. Eindrücke bleiben, setzen sich fest, und man versucht nicht allzu offensichtlich Notiz zu nehmen, zieht weiter, bis die Füße auf weiches Laub treten und die eigenen Schritte verstummen.

#outerworld #the_village_and_the_hills #stories_of_old

#the village and the hills #stories of old


Joseph Marshall III on Season 1 of the Hochoka podcast

Episode 5: #Storytelling, Sense of #Community and Cultural Identity


Episode 6: #Language, Memory and Cultural Identity


Episode 7: #SittingBull's Vision and Cultural Identity


Episode 8: Bows, Arrows and #Authenticity in and Cultural Identity


Episode 9: #Stories as Seeds of Cultural Identity


Episode 10: Place, #Purpose and Cultural Identity


#JosephMarshal #CulturalIdentity #cuture #identity #Lakota #IndigenousPeoples #NativeAmerican #HochokaPodcast #Hochoka


An Ancient Human #Story About The Seven Sisters May Have Survived 100,000 years

In the northern hemisphere from October to March, you can look up and see the Pleiades, also known as the Seven Sisters. These stars, like so many others, have #myths attached to them by ancient cultures around the world.

In Greek mythology, the Seven Sisters were the daughters of Atlas and Pleione. Their father, Atlas, was forced to hold up the sky, and was therefore unable to protect his daughters. But to save them from being raped by Orion the hunter, Zeus transformed them into stars.

Indigenous Australian versions of the tale, meanwhile, tell similar #stories of a hunter or young man who try and chase the female Pleiades.

Is it possible the stories of the Seven Sisters and Orion are so old our ancestors were telling these stories to each other around campfires in Africa, 100,000 years ago?


A quotation from Gaiman, Neil

Things need not have happened to be true. Tales and dreams are the shadow-truths that will endure when mere facts are dust and ashes, and forgot.

Neil Gaiman (b. 1960) British fabulist
Sandman, Book 3. Dream Country, # 19 “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” [Dream] (1990)

#quote #quotes #quotation #dreams #facts #myths #stories #tales #truths
Sourcing / notes: https://wist.info/gaiman-neil/9313/

Panels from Sandman <a class=#19" title="Panels from Sandman #19">