

My writers' group reviewed the seventh and last of the #stories in my 'story cycle', a set of stories in what I describe as a low-magic #fantasy world (which became increasingly #queer as I went). It's a chunky one, much longer than the previous six. Most of them wanted me to write more, possibly turning this story into a novel. I don't think so. The stories all together are meant to form a novella.

Still, it's good to be appreciated and receive constructive feedback, and I was congratulated on finishing this project, even if there's still a fair amount of editing to do. It feels good. After all, I wrote the first story more than ten years ago, when two friends and I formed a small writing group. I picked the up the writing during lockdown and it's finally getting there.

#WIP #WritingCommunity #writers #amwriting


Waldwärts. Große Höfe, niedrige Dächer, ebensolche Fenster im alten, vorsichtig sanierten Fachwerk. Man kennt die Einwohner, sieht keine Gesichter, weiß nicht, ob die Gardinen im Windhauch schwingen oder unter der Berührung, der man auch die gefühlten, beobachtenden, messenden Blicke zuschreibt. Auf dem Beton der Einfahrt liegen bunte Blütenblätter, die Sträucher tragen Osterschmuck. Aber die Zäune werden höher, die wachsamen Hunde größer und lauter. Eindrücke bleiben, setzen sich fest, und man versucht nicht allzu offensichtlich Notiz zu nehmen, zieht weiter, bis die Füße auf weiches Laub treten und die eigenen Schritte verstummen.

#outerworld #the_village_and_the_hills #stories_of_old

#the village and the hills #stories of old


Joseph Marshall III on Season 1 of the Hochoka podcast

Episode 5: #Storytelling, Sense of #Community and Cultural Identity


Episode 6: #Language, Memory and Cultural Identity


Episode 7: #SittingBull's Vision and Cultural Identity


Episode 8: Bows, Arrows and #Authenticity in and Cultural Identity


Episode 9: #Stories as Seeds of Cultural Identity


Episode 10: Place, #Purpose and Cultural Identity


#JosephMarshal #CulturalIdentity #cuture #identity #Lakota #IndigenousPeoples #NativeAmerican #HochokaPodcast #Hochoka


An Ancient Human #Story About The Seven Sisters May Have Survived 100,000 years

In the northern hemisphere from October to March, you can look up and see the Pleiades, also known as the Seven Sisters. These stars, like so many others, have #myths attached to them by ancient cultures around the world.

In Greek mythology, the Seven Sisters were the daughters of Atlas and Pleione. Their father, Atlas, was forced to hold up the sky, and was therefore unable to protect his daughters. But to save them from being raped by Orion the hunter, Zeus transformed them into stars.

Indigenous Australian versions of the tale, meanwhile, tell similar #stories of a hunter or young man who try and chase the female Pleiades.

Is it possible the stories of the Seven Sisters and Orion are so old our ancestors were telling these stories to each other around campfires in Africa, 100,000 years ago?


A quotation from Gaiman, Neil

Things need not have happened to be true. Tales and dreams are the shadow-truths that will endure when mere facts are dust and ashes, and forgot.

Neil Gaiman (b. 1960) British fabulist
Sandman, Book 3. Dream Country, # 19 “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” [Dream] (1990)

#quote #quotes #quotation #dreams #facts #myths #stories #tales #truths
Sourcing / notes: https://wist.info/gaiman-neil/9313/

Panels from Sandman <a class=#19" title="Panels from Sandman #19">


“Too many times audiences leave a theater after seeing an adaptation of a novel believing they had just experienced some approximation of the original... in the case of a writer like Alasdair Gray, it is tragically false.” Why you should definitely read Poor Things, even after seeing Poor Things.


#books #stories #literature



..."**#Submission #Deadline: December 31st, 2023⁠

Submit your stories at www.neurodiversiverse.com.**

The universe is filled with aliens—creatures with different histories, cultures, and even biologies—who may seem strange to us. But our world is filled with a diversity of people, many of whom find each other strange. One particular group finds the rest of humanity especially strange: neurodivergent people.⁠

Would #neurodivergent folks find themselves at an advantage in dealing with #aliens?⁠

Let’s find out.⁠

We want to publish your short #stories, flash #fiction, #poetry, and #art exploring encounters between neurodivergent people and neurodivergent aliens. We are looking for:⁠

Short stories up to 6k words⁠
Flash fiction up to 1k words⁠
Poetry up to 100 lines⁠
Black-and-white line art illustrations⁠
We are paying $100 per short story, $50 for flash fiction, $50 for poems, and $50-100 for illustrations.

Check out our full guidelines at www.neurodiversiverse.com, and feel free to share them with your friends who write (or read) science fiction!"


Und wieder zwei Fuß breit in der Nacht. Entlang des Weges sind die Heizkörper ausgekühlt, flieht mit dem Licht auch die Wärme aus den Stunden. Maschinen zittern nochmal unter Last, rechnen einige kleine Fragmente, bevor technischer, traumloser Schlaf anbefohlen wird. Dann: Begonnenes ablegen, so gut es geht, hoffend, dass bis zum Morgen die instabile Ordnung bestehen bleibt, die ersten Griffe die richtigen Dinge richtig zu fassen bekommen, ohne dass man allzu weit zurückgeworfen wird. (Und dann Lesen in und zwischen den Zeilen, der Geschichte folgen, bis Augen und Bewusstsein sich in ungeschriebenen Worten verheddern und die Abwege immer schwerer zu korrigieren sind. Lernen, wann es Zeit ist, dem Tag seine Ruhe zu geben.)

#outerworld #later_that_day_later_that_night #where_we_are_who_we_are #stories_of_sleepy_souls_and_restless_minds

#later that day later that night #where we are who we are #stories of sleepy souls and restless minds


I'm back to reading The Best American Short Stories 2023 and this one totally blew me away!

Maybe it was my expectations - she is an amazing short story writer. I 'discovered' her in the 2014 Best American Short Stories with the story - At the Round Earth's Imagined Corners. Holy Mama it blew me away and I've been reading her work ever since (most not measuring up to that story, but I think this new one just might.

from the New Yorker:


and some discussion of it from the New Yorker - https://archive.ph/dDowI

#stories #fiction #literature #awardwinners