

Email the Department for Education: scrap interest on student loans!

Here’s why people like you are supporting this important campaign:

"I began earning a good wage in 2022. My debt before working was just over £58,000. After a year of working and a pay increase, I checked again and owed around £57,600. I'm never going to be able to pay off this loan. When I took out the loan I was told the interest rate was 1.5% - I was never told this could change and had no alternative options to pay for university. I lose a substantial amount each month and with the cost of living, things only get more difficult."

Please email the Department for Education and demand they commit to scrapping interest on student loans. Takes less than 30 seconds.


#students #loans #StudentLoans #UK #WageSlaves #university #education


‘Tax us now’: ultra-rich call on governments to introduce wealth taxes

"The current lack of action is gravely concerning. A meeting of the global elite in #Davos to discuss ‘cooperation in a fragmented world’ is pointless if you aren’t challenging the root cause of division,

“Defending #democracy & building cooperation requires action to build fairer economies right now – it is not a problem that can be left for our children to fix.


#CostOfLivingCrisis #wealthy #ToryCostOfLivingCrisis #capitalism #CapitalismFail #CorporateTerrorism #CostOfLiving #WageSlaves #MarxWasRight #Marx #socialism


Defend the Right to Strike

New legislation proposed by the Tory government intends to override a workers’ right to withdraw their labour, forcing them to work against their will.

The right to strike is a fundamental democratic right. It underpins our ability to win dignity in the workplace and earn a decent standard of living.

It is no accident that this right is under attack at the very moment the public is fighting back against the cost-of-living squeeze.

This government is determined to force workers to pay the price for a crisis caused by the greed of the elite yet again. We won’t accept it.


#RightToStrike #EnoughIsEnough #petition #work #WageSlaves #slaves #ToryFascistDictatorship #DemocracyNotAutocracy #UnitedKingdom #ToryCostOfLivingCrisis


Make Fire and Rehire Illegal

Companies are deliberately firing people to rehire them on worse contracts. Clarks are trying to use this legal loophole right now.

For some reason it's legal in this country, but it's leaving thousands of us in the lurch. Companies shouldn't be able to force staff into choosing between worse contracts and being fired. It's illegal in Spain and Ireland. [2] It should be illegal here too.


#CorporateTerrorism #EmploymentRights #WageSlaves #CapitalismFails #ToryProfiteers #ToryCorruption #jobs #workplace #HumanRights