

Today's world has taken on the appearance of today's man.
A divided creature, frightened by the darkest part of himself, he projects it onto everything around him, onto what he even believes constitutes him. He has thus set himself up as a kind of digital model. However, beyond his avatar, beyond the palace of pixels, patiently waiting for him in the reality of his depth, are the lips of his missing part, still asleep.

#dream #reve #rêve #inconscient #conscience #fairytale #conte #paradigme #anima #animus #jung #freud #psychologie #poesie



For people interested in surveillance, social systems, ethics and... crime-fiction-sci-fi, I will recommend the Japanese animation Psycko-Pass. It is a macabre and dystopian cyberpunk-take on modern society and it's worst trends, told with interesting characters and a very thorough and interesting background-world. For everybody with 11 hours to spare and a strong stomach.

#Animation #Anima #manga #Japan #totalitarianism #utilitarianism #scifi #sci-fi #cyberpunk #dystopia #Surveillance #control #freedom