

Dear #french speaking people

I have trouble translating a linguisting #joke into french because in french when you negate something you put the "nes" before the verb and… well I show you:

I'd like to print a post-pandemic-shirt with the Text "Hug me, I'm scared of nothing, but I like being hugged" but everything beyond "scared" is smaller, like this:

Hug me, I'm scared

of almost nothing but I like being hugged

I'd like to have the same pun on the backside of the shirt in french.

When I translate it it becomes "Hug me I'm not scared of anything" ("Tiens-moi, je n'ai peur de presque rien, j'aime juste être tenu dans tes bras." says deepl). But because of the n' the whole joke breaks.

I'm a total beginner in french, that's why I ask you… can I do something like

Serre-moi, j'ai peur

de presque rien, j'aime juste être serré dans tes bras.

? Because I tried

Hug me, I'm scared of everything but I like being hugged
and this translates (with deepl) to
Serre-moi dans tes bras, j'ai peur de tout mais j'aime qu'on me serre dans ses bras.
and then I just replaced tout by rien but I'm affraid that's just bad french.

Can someone help me to translate/transport hat pun?

#Frage #Question #french #translation #negation #everything #nothing #something #anything #followerpower