

Shared via Fedilab @FediGarden@social.growyourown.services 🔗 https://social.growyourown.services/users/FediGarden/statuses/110877056463995259

Arabi.gay is a server for LGBTQIA+ people who are Arabs, from the SWANA region or Arabic speakers (including all dialects). Members have to be over 18.

:Fediverse: https://arabi.gay (in Arabic)

For more info see their About page at https://arabi.gay/about or contact their admin @ishraaf

#FeaturedServer #العربية #Arabic #Arab #Arabs #SWANA #SouthWestAsia #Asia #NorthAfrica #Africa #LGBTQIA #LGBTQ #LGBT #Queer #Gay #Lesbian #Bisexual #Trans #Questioning #Intersex #Asexual #Ace #Bi


So Mr. Paxton, any reference to #gender identity is bad in #school. Hooray for my #nonbinary students, who no longer have to be classified as either male or female by any school in #Texas. Likewise sexual #orientation. The #asexual kids are free from those rituals/activities that involve interactions as a couple, like school dances and homecoming festivities. Schools can turn a blind eye to any carnality between students, lest we acknowledge the existence of heterosexuality.

Thanks, AG, for your liberating opinion.



Why pride month is celebrated in June, what does Hinduism
says about homosexuality, Is homosexuality banned in Hinduism? How LGBTQ+ Community should be supported? Know answers for all these and other questions you have in mind about LGBTQ+
@lifenatphil has brought to you an interesting piece on #lgbtq

Scan the QR code by screenshotting the image and read the entire article.


#pridemonth2021 #happypridemonth #happypride2021 #happypride2021

#tuesdayvibes #vibes #instagram #instagood #happy #beautiful #lesbian #gay #bisexual #transgender #queer #asexual #intersex
#lgbtpride #lgbt #equality #mentalhealth #awarenesscampaign