

Variegated bananas, botanically classified as Musa paradisiaca, are a very rare variety belonging to the Musaceae family. Also known as the Dwarf Hawaiian Variegated banana and A’e A’e, Koa’e, and Manini in Hawaii, Variegated banana plants have unique, variegated striping over the leaves and fruits which is the result of a genetic mutation that causes pigmentation loss. The Variegated banana variety is considered to be one of the most challenging banana plants to cultivate and requires a delicate balance of humidity, nutrients, and shade mixed with an extended growing time. Variegated banana plants are highly ornamental for home gardens, and the fruits exhibit qualities of both a cooking and dessert banana, which is unusual to find in one cultivar.

#musaparadisiaca #bananas #fruits #nature #plants #nature


AGENDA CM& "El camino del yipao"

El Desfile del Yipao del Quindio, un Desfile Único sobre RuedasEl desfile del Yipao en el Quindío es una celebración muy típica de Colombia. Vea aquí información, fotos y videos sobre este evento

The Yipao or Jeep parade is folkloric celebration in the Colombian department of Quindío, specially during the anniversary parties of the departmental capital Armenia.

Jeep-Willys history in Colombia
The first Jeeps (M38 or CJ-2A models) arrived to Colombia in 1946 for military purposes. They were imported by the Colombian Ministry of Defense and soon became very popular among Colombian coffee farmers who saw in this vehicle the needed qualities for the difficult roads in the mountainous region of the country. Besides the transportation of coffee, Jeeps are used to transport many other agricultural products, as well as country workers to places previously accessible only to pack animals. Due to this quality, the Jeeps are also known locally in Spanish: "mulitas mecánicas"(or mechanical mules).

Many families in the Paisa region and Colombian Coffee-Growers Axis own Jeep vehicles, which have become a beloved symbol of the coffee culture. Often the Jeeps have many ornaments, icons, and flashy accessories, in a kitsch style.

The Yipao parade is celebrated during anniversary parties both in Armenia, Quindío and Calarcá, Quindío. The first edition of the parade was organized by Mrs Joan Jaramillo, headmistress of protocol of the Quindio Governor's office in 1988. The event has several categories separated according to the products carried in the vehicles:

  • Agricultural products
  • Coffee
  • Furniture
  • People
  • Institutional advertisement

The vehicles are driven by the main streets of the city and the Jeeps with the largest number of objects carried and the most harmonious arrangements earn prizes.

In February 2006, a Guinness World Records was established for the "Longest Jeep Parade" in Calarca, with a caravan of over 370 Jeep Willys vehicles.

#Jeep #parade #Colombia #transport #growth #bananas



Moin :)


The robot hands have been trained to peel a banana.

57% Of attempts result in successful peeling of the banana. 

Breakdown of unsuccessful attempts

 26% smooshes the banana into a pulp 
 3% makes banana daiquiris for the whole team
 1.5% Writes a heart-breaking poem about bananas

 5% becomes a social media sensation #bananas
 7% peels a satsuma by mistake
 0.5% Builds a terrifying banana cyborg

Anna Chojnicka: Bruising bananas to create elaborate works of art | BBC News

Artist Anna Chojnicka has shied away from traditional canvas in favour of... bananas. The north London artist bruises the skin to create elaborate drawings that she shares daily on her social media.

This young lady’s bananas. Her art is incredible. (I meant to share this a couple of days ago, but only just got round to it)

#art #bananas



only today I got to know another banana variety [+]... the Ducasse Banana.

Known in Australia as the sugar banana, Ducasse is the most important banana in Thailand and is used for eating and cooking. Select fruit that is bright, yellow-green in colour and heavy for its size. When ripe it should yield to gentle pressure. Store at room temperature. ucasse bananas do not blacken as easily as other varieties when refrigerated. The blossoms of this variety are sold as a vegetable.

#bananas #fruits #ducasse #straya