

CATL launches ultra-high density 500-Wh/kg "condensed battery"

In huge news for zero-emissions aviation, Chinese company CATL is set to go to mass production on a "condensed battery" it says can squeeze in more than twice as much energy as a Tesla Model Y battery, by weight – while being safe enough to fly with.

Lithium batteries started an avalanche of innovation when they became widely available, largely because they could hold significantly more energy by weight than other contemporary chemistries. Touchscreen smartphones, drones, all-day laptops, long-range electric cars and the first generation of battery-powered aircraft were some of the results.

#Technology #Battery #China #EV #CondensedBattery #Environment


This week I changed the #battery on my #laptop. The #computer now has a new lease of life, almost literally. I'm afraid the old one did take a bit of abuse over the years, partly through my own fault. For now, anyway, I don't have to be near an electrical socket while using it for anything longer than a few minutes without anxiety.