

Hey Canada--Oklahoma has your climate! We were supposed to be hot and dry by the end of April but it's chilly and wet down here! Will be happy to trade you before our wheat crops die of mold!

*|FNAME|* 🇨🇦 - 2024-05-13 18:41:56 GMT

“A wildfire burning dangerously close to Fort Nelson, B.C., has grown to more than 50 square kilometres, and officials are warning that the blaze's behaviour is expected to become more volatile over the next 48 hours.”#BCWildfire #Wildfire #BC



Yaniv attempting to sue Rebel News, seeking damages, costs, no more coverage

A couple of weeks ago, we learned we are being sued by the serial litigator Jessica Simpson, formally known as Jonathan Yaniv.

To say that the costs we’ve already incurred reporting on this person have been high would be an understatement. My colleagues have taken flights to update you on Yaniv’s lawsuits against hard-working beauticians, simply because they declined requests to wax Simpson’s male genitalia.
#news #Canada #BC #ClownWorld #LGBT #shemales #RebelNews #NewNormal


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