Oh, my! This sucks. Seems that EVERYTHING will kill you in some way or another... even just breathing the air or drinking the water.
I'm sure they've done a controlled study at some point or another and determined that 100% of the people in the study die, which leads them to their conclusion that living is is the No. 1 cause of dying.
What gets me about this above study is HOW IN THE HELL can they come up with a percentage "guess" about the increased risk of marijuana smoking in people who are already dying from the issues that the study is studying.
Participants self-reported their marijuana use through surveys over that period.
Oh, well... that pretty much guarantees honesty and accuracy, then.
A whopping 34 percent of respondents who reported daily marijuana use had an increased risk of developing heart failure compared to those who never used the drug, the researchers found.
Did they, by any chance, report ALL of their other bad habits... smoking cigs, drinking rot-gut whiskey or excessive wine, eating trash foods, sitting around in their recliners all day, etc.?
If you have a group of 100 people with existing heart/circulation issues and do a study to find out how much consuming of grape Kool-Aid will increase their chances of death from their already existing conditions, I'm sure results will show that grape Kool-Aid is an aggravating factor in cases of impending death.
I'm sorry, but to me, it seems these "studies" are often a crock of shit. I lost my faith #Big_Med, #Big_Pharma, and #Big_Insurance a long time ago while watching the Big 3 basically use my mother as a lab rat to "see what we can do to help her"... into a fucking grave.
To paraphrase Twain (and others)...
"Lies, damn lies, and medical studies!"
/rant off