

Disgusting populist sack of shit is trying to fish in murky waters by pushing for his "Trump wall" proposal for the whole Europe.

The extreme right and fascists all over Europe watching France fall into chaos and misery with joy and happiness pushing draconian new ant imigration policies to prevent "their countries" become "like France".

#Politixs #Poland #Racism #Fascism #Europe #BLM #BLMEurope #BLMFrance


Jean-Luc Mélenchon, one of the most high-profile figures on the French left, accused police unions — who said in a press release earlier today they "were at war" with the rioters — of "throwing oil on the fire" and encouraging "murderous behaviour."

At least there are voices out there standing up to the ridiculous police can't do no wrong public opinion and the fascists and extreme right calling it for a race war.

#Francd sPolitics #BLM #BLMFrance #PoliceBrutality


Svenska utrikesdepartementet uppmanar svenska resenärer att undvika folksamlingar och följa lokala myndigheters rekommendationer.

Protesterna och oroligheterna i Frankrike pågår för fjärde dygnet i rad. Under fredagskvällen och natten mot lördag var situationen i den sydliga hamnstaden Marseille så allvarlig att borgmästaren behövde be om förstärkning från polisen.

De våldsamma protesterna i Frankrike har pågått sedan en 17-årig pojke sköts till döds av polis i tisdags.

45 000 poliser har sats in för att stoppa de senaste dygnens omfattande upplopp, som pågått på flera platser i landet. Insatserna har lett till att nästan 1000 personer greps under natten till lördag, enligt en första beräkning från franska inrikesdepartementet.

Deras sammanställning visar också att över 2 500 bränder har tänts runtom i landet.
#frankrike #protester #blm #blmfrance #paris


Le gouvernement joue l'apaisement par crainte d'une contagion des émeutes :

Emmanuel #Macron : "C’est inexplicable et inexcusable (...) Rien de justifie la mort d'un jeune"

Elisabeth #Borne dénonce "des images choquantes" et une intervention policière"manifestement pas conforme aux règles"

Gérald #Darmanin appele au calme et saisit la justice contre le syndicat #France #Police suite à un tweet "innaceptable" et "abject". Il annonce etudier une possible dissolution du syndicat.

Assemblée Nationale : Une minute de silence est observée en hommage à #Nahel.

#BLM #BLMFrance #Politique


Paris neighborhoods and specially Nantere are on fire

The protests turned to violent riots don't seem to be losing strength or violence.

Multiple police cars were set on fire and many protesters and police were injured at the 3rd night of protests following the murder of an unlicensed driver who tried to run away from the #police but gunned down by the police.

Les émeutes s'intensifient et se généralisent à plusieurs quartiers de #Nanterre ce soir suite à la mort de #Naël. Les émeutes se propagent également à plusieurs villes du département.

#France #Paris #Nantere #BLM #BLMFrance #PoliceMurder #ParisRiots #Politics #Protests
Video available on TikTok : https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZGJX2P7t3/


French Police Murder Teenager and Spark Riots in Paris and other cities

The right wing media and extreme right in Sweden, Denmark and France trying to make the story about fight between the French people and immigrants and hide the murder of the young north African guy by the police in Nantere.

It is just the same disgusting reaction as the ones against the BLM in US but here, because most people don't speak French and (chose) to get their news from podcasts and talkshows, their understanding of the situation is based on completely wrong data and information.

#Paris #France #Nantere #PoliceMurder #BLM #Politics



Welcome to #CheckIn for Wednesday, May 17

Well hello! It’s my last day today and next up is @David "Kahomono" Frier (he/his) #blm 💉🇺🇦🏳️‍🌈! But first –

Events often pass along main roads by neighbourhoods. The Olympic Torch (2010) went by our place on the way to Vancouver. We could watch from our back yard without going anywhere. Have you had an event pass by your home or workplace?

Grab your beverage preference (pixel or not) and enjoy the space. I try to keep things light but this is your thread so … there’s always an element of randomness. Sometimes it changes course and sometimes ideas are more nuanced.

To find out more about #CHECKIN click here
* To get notified when the daily #CheckIn post is live just jump in and comment/like and someone will confirm you want a “mention” notification.
* You can participate without being notified.
* To get off the list let us know via comment or direct message.
Have an idea for a topic – let us know if you’d like to be a GUEST HOST in the comment section!

Greetings… Ahoj! Aloha! Bom dia! Bonjour! Bună! Ciao! G’day! Geia sas! Günaydın, صباح الخير , בוקר טוב 你好! Håfa Adai! Hi! Hei! Hello! Hallo! Hei! Hola! Howdy! Halō! Kamusta! Kia Orana! Kon’nichiwa! Mabuhay! Moi! Namaste! Ni Hao! Neih hou! Pagi! Saluton! Sawasdee! Shwmae! Γειάσας! Talofa! Terve!😄

@Andrew Pam
@V. T. Eric Layton
@tom grzybow
@Tom Wroblewski
@stefani banerian
@Shelenn Ayres
@su ann lim
@Cass M
@Nora Qudus
@Mark Wollschlager
@Lee Rothstein
@Lisa Stranger
@Klaus Lademann
@Karl Auerbach
@David "Kahomono" Frier (he/his) #blm 💉🇺🇦🏳️‍🌈
@Joyce Donahue
@Joseph Teller
@Jon Alcibar
@John Hummel
@Jodi K
@Sam Smith
@Isaac Kuo
@Rodrigo Mesa
@Griff Ferrell 💙💛 friendica
@gregg taylor
@Guy Geens
@Paul Ferguson
@Don Little
@Lewis Luminos
@Dean Calahan
@David Calderon
@Corinne Howell
@Cade Johnson
@Carsten Raddatz
@Bob Lai
@Amanda Gordon
@Kenny Chaffin
@Christoph S
@Rob Anybody
@Michael Warburton
@Susan ✶✶✶✶
@Phil Setnik
@Michele Hax
@Griff Ferrell 💙💛 diasp.org
@Nathan Weaver 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈
@David Calderon
@David Sterry
@Lily J
@Phil Landmeier (ᚠ)
@Sheila Nagig
@Katherine Bond
@John MacLeod
@John Douglas Porter
@Jess Nut
@Jay Bryant
@Alrekr Jarnhandr
@Jacob Clayton
@Holly Jahangiri
@hackbyte (friendica)
@That Harp Guy
@Doug Senko
@Debbie D. 🇨🇦 🇩🇪
@Dave Higgins [Main Account]
@Christian Nalletamby
@Cats of Commons 💫
@s banerian
@Cristóbal 明日照
@Andreas Geisler
@Alistair McHarg

If we’ve missed you on this serendipitous who’s who list of active #CheckIn-eers and #CHECKIN visitors, just yell! 💕


Welcome to #CheckIn for Tuesday, May 16

Well hello!

I've been in the mood for surreal stories lately but sometimes I find authors hard to get into. I had heard a lot about China Meiville but found his work hard to get into until I read The City The City. Now I'm starting Red Team Blues by Cory Doctorow.

Is there a book by an author that changed how you feel about that author? What are you reading?

Grab your beverage preference (pixel or not) and enjoy the space. I try to keep things light but this is your thread so … there’s always an element of randomness. Sometimes it changes course and sometimes ideas are more nuanced.

To find out more about #CHECKIN click here
* To get notified when the daily #CheckIn post is live just jump in and comment/like and someone will confirm you want a “mention” notification.
* You can participate without being notified.
* To get off the list let us know via comment or direct message.
Have an idea for a topic – let us know if you’d like to be a GUEST HOST in the comment section!

Greetings… Ahoj! Aloha! Bom dia! Bonjour! Bună! Ciao! G’day! Geia sas! Günaydın, صباح الخير , בוקר טוב 你好! Håfa Adai! Hi! Hei! Hello! Hallo! Hei! Hola! Howdy! Halō! Kamusta! Kia Orana! Kon’nichiwa! Mabuhay! Moi! Namaste! Ni Hao! Neih hou! Pagi! Saluton! Sawasdee! Shwmae! Γειάσας! Talofa! Terve!😄

@Andrew Pam
@V. T. Eric Layton
@tom grzybow
@Tom Wroblewski
@stefani banerian
@Shelenn Ayres
@su ann lim
@Cass M
@Nora Qudus
@Mark Wollschlager
@Lee Rothstein
@Lisa Stranger
@Klaus Lademann
@Karl Auerbach
@David "Kahomono" Frier (he/his) #blm 💉🇺🇦🏳️‍🌈
@Joyce Donahue
@Joseph Teller
@Jon Alcibar
@John Hummel
@Jodi K
@Sam Smith
@Isaac Kuo
@Rodrigo Mesa
@Griff Ferrell 💙💛 friendica
@gregg taylor
@Guy Geens
@Paul Ferguson
@Don Little
@Lewis Luminos
@Dean Calahan
@David Calderon
@Corinne Howell
@Cade Johnson
@Carsten Raddatz
@Bob Lai
@Amanda Gordon
@Kenny Chaffin
@Christoph S
@Rob Anybody
@Michael Warburton
@Susan ✶✶✶✶
@Phil Setnik
@Michele Hax
@Griff Ferrell 💙💛 diasp.org
@Nathan Weaver 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈
@David Calderon
@David Sterry
@Lily J
@Phil Landmeier (ᚠ)
@Sheila Nagig
@Katherine Bond
@John MacLeod
@John Douglas Porter
@Jess Nut
@Jay Bryant
@Alrekr Jarnhandr
@Jacob Clayton
@Holly Jahangiri
@hackbyte (friendica)
@That Harp Guy
@Doug Senko
@Debbie D. 🇨🇦 🇩🇪
@Dave Higgins [Main Account]
@Christian Nalletamby
@Cats of Commons 💫
@s banerian
@Cristóbal 明日照
@Andreas Geisler
@Alistair McHarg

If we’ve missed you on this serendipitous who’s who list of active #CheckIn-eers and #CHECKIN visitors, just yell! 💕


Welcome to #CheckIn for Monday, May 15

Hey, hey, it's Monday.

I started golfing when I was in my 30s. I really got into it taking lessons and even did a camp. I got my handicap under 100, won neat tournament prizes, and thought it would be an activity Fred and I would do until we lost the ability to swing a club. Alas it was now to be because – men. We golfed together from the whites but men joining us would ask why I wasn’t golfing from the “Ladies Tee" or not let us play through as a two-some. By the time of my accident, it was really easy to give up.


Have you won stuff? Is there an activity you thought you'd do much longer than you did?

Grab your beverage preference (pixel or not) and enjoy the space. I try to keep things light but this is your thread so … there’s always an element of randomness. Sometimes it changes course and sometimes ideas are more nuanced.

To find out more about #CHECKIN click here
* To get notified when the daily #CheckIn post is live just jump in and comment/like and someone will confirm you want a “mention” notification.
* You can participate without being notified.
* To get off the list let us know via comment or direct message.
Have an idea for a topic – let us know if you’d like to be a GUEST HOST in the comment section!

Greetings… Ahoj! Aloha! Bom dia! Bonjour! Bună! Ciao! G’day! Geia sas! Günaydın, صباح الخير , בוקר טוב 你好! Håfa Adai! Hi! Hei! Hello! Hallo! Hei! Hola! Howdy! Halō! Kamusta! Kia Orana! Kon’nichiwa! Mabuhay! Moi! Namaste! Ni Hao! Neih hou! Pagi! Saluton! Sawasdee! Shwmae! Γειάσας! Talofa! Terve!😄

@Andrew Pam
@V. T. Eric Layton
@tom grzybow
@Tom Wroblewski
@stefani banerian
@Shelenn Ayres
@su ann lim
@Cass M
@Nora Qudus
@Mark Wollschlager
@Lee Rothstein
@Lisa Stranger
@Klaus Lademann
@Karl Auerbach
@David "Kahomono" Frier (he/his) #blm 💉🇺🇦🏳️‍🌈
@Joyce Donahue
@Joseph Teller
@Jon Alcibar
@John Hummel
@Jodi K
@Sam Smith
@Isaac Kuo
@Rodrigo Mesa
@Griff Ferrell 💙💛 friendica
@gregg taylor
@Guy Geens
@Paul Ferguson
@Don Little
@Lewis Luminos
@Dean Calahan
@David Calderon
@Corinne Howell
@Cade Johnson
@Carsten Raddatz
@Bob Lai
@Amanda Gordon
@Kenny Chaffin
@Christoph S
@Rob Anybody
@Michael Warburton
@Susan ✶✶✶✶
@Phil Setnik
@Michele Hax
@Griff Ferrell 💙💛 diasp.org
@Nathan Weaver 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈
@David Calderon
@David Sterry
@Lily J
@Phil Landmeier (ᚠ)
@Sheila Nagig
@Katherine Bond
@John MacLeod
@John Douglas Porter
@Jess Nut
@Jay Bryant
@Alrekr Jarnhandr
@Jacob Clayton
@Holly Jahangiri
@hackbyte (friendica)
@That Harp Guy
@Doug Senko
@Debbie D. 🇨🇦 🇩🇪
@Dave Higgins [Main Account]
@Christian Nalletamby
@Cats of Commons 💫
@s banerian
@Cristóbal 明日照
@Andreas Geisler
@Alistair McHarg

If we’ve missed you on this serendipitous who’s who list of active #CheckIn-eers and #CHECKIN visitors, just yell! 💕