

A group of #Boeing employees are sitting on a plane getting ready for takeoff.

The pilot comes on over the intercom and says "Folks, we're pleased to have you flying with us on our brand new 737, fresh from our good friends at Boeing!"

Immediately, the Boeing employees all scramble to get out of their seats and off the plane as quickly as possible. It's utter pandemonium in the aisles as everyone starts to panic.


50 главных инноваций 2023 года по версии Popular Science

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It's not Russia under Putin, so no one will care about it 🤬

#Boeing whistleblower John Barnett intended to return home to Louisiana after his deposition on Friday, March 8th.

However, Boeing lawyers requested him to stay an extra day to complete his testimony.

His body was discovered the following morning, March 9th.


Watch "Ted Cruz Shocked When Given Update About Boeing Door Plug Investigation" on YouTube https://youtu.be/j_Vima65ZrU

I don't understand why he'd be "shocked". This is exactly what he and his cronies have been working towards. "Small state" sounds nice the first moment, but what do they mean with that? Deregulation. And this happens when there is not enough oversight due to deregulation.

The difference this time: It doesn't just affect the US, but the whole world.
#Boeing #GOP #deregulation