

"Boris Johnson has been lying to the people in the UK"

Speaking honestly and truthfully in the UK's House of Commons is oppressed. banned & those speaking truth are punished. Yet the same truth is spoken outside of the UK where free people welcome truth and reality.


#BorisTheLiar #Dictatorship #ToryLies #Corruption #antidemocratic #UnitedKingdom #oppression #FreeSpeech #BorisTheButcher #ToryQuietCoup #ToryDictatorship #lies #ToryCorruption


Make Lying in the House of Commons a Criminal Offence

The Government should introduce legislation to make lying in the House of Commons a criminal offence. This would mean that all MPs, including Ministers, would face a serious penalty for knowingly making false statements in the House of Commons, as is the case in a court of law.

We believe false statements have been made in the House and, although regarded as a "serious offence" in principle, options to challenge this are extremely limited as accusing a member of lying is forbidden in the House.

Truth in the House of Commons is every bit as important as truth in a court of law and breaches should be treated in a similar way to perjury and carry similar penalties.


#WeStandWithDawnButler #BorisTheLiar #ToryProfiteers #ToryCorruption #BorisTheButcher #ToryCriminals #ToryCriminalsUnfitToGovern #GeneralStrike #ToryDictatorship #dictatorships


Guarantee decent sick pay for every worker

Demand the government:

  1. Scrap the minimum earnings threshold for statutory sick pay
  2. Increase the weekly level of sick pay to at least £330 per week
  3. Give employers the resources to afford sick pay for their workers

Why is this important?

For those who do qualify, the current payment of £96.35 a week is not enough to pay the bills. 4 in 10 workers would be forced into financial hardship.

At a time of increasing cases, fixing statutory sick pay can prevent the spread of the virus and ensure millions can get paid to quarantine safely at home.

No one who self-isolates should worry about putting food on the table.

No one should feel forced to go to work instead of recovering from the virus.

Everyone has the right to decent sick pay.



#SickPayForAll #ToryDictatorship #Covid19UK #pandemic #SickPay #BorisTheButcher #ArrestBorisJohnson #GeneralStrike #UnitedKingdom #dictatorships #ToryProfiteers #ToryCorruption




#BorisTheButcher #InternationalLaw #BorisTheLiar #ToryDictatorship #dictatorships #ToryProfiteers #ToryCorruption #CorruptToriesOut #ToryDemocide #democide


UK Has 'No Plan' to Protect it's Citizens

I've read and heard this woman many times. She's bright, easy to understand and to the point.

Well worth watching the 2 minute video


#BorisTheButcher #DeathByTory #ToryLiesCostLives #BorisTheLiar #pandemic #Covid19UK #DeeptiGurdasani( #Epidemiologist #ScienceMatters #deaths #infection #vaccine #mutations #Coronavirus #Covid19 #ToryProfiteers #ToryCorruption #dictatorship #ToryDictatorship


Just Another Lie


#BorisTheLiar #ToryLies #ToryLiesCostLives #Orwellian #propaganda #corruption #CorruptToriesOut #BorisTheButcher


UK to experience consequences of deputising immigration controls to a wide range of private, untrained individuals



#ToryDictatorship #HostileEnvironment #BritlerYouth #Corruption #dictatorship #BorisTheLiar #BorisTheButcher #DemocracyInDanger #BorisTheLiar #BorisTheDictator #CorruptToriesOut #UKDictatorship #UnitedKingdom


New, dangerous virus discovered


#Cronyism #ToryCronyism #CORRUPTION #ToryQuietCoup #BorisTheLiar #BorisTheButcher #satire #humour #ToryCorruption #CorruptToriesOut


Quick guide to variants of concern in the UK

Independent SAGE

This is the website which is independent of the UK government which, as many are aware, have bullied various government departments to withhold scientific evidence.

This link provides updates as to the variants, basic information about them and effectiveness of vaccines available.


#SAGE #IndependentSAGE #ScienceMatters #Covid19 #Covid19UK #pandemic #vaccines #VaccineEffectiveness #science #BorisTheButcher #facts #QuickGuide #variants


One Rule for Cannon Fodder (that's us), Another for 'Important' people

#BorisTheButcher #BorisTheLiar #hypocrite #hypocritical #Covid19UK #Pandemic #ToryProfiteers #CorruptToriesOut #ScienceMatters
