

#politicos #hypocrite

Les lois anti-polygamie.

C'est vraiment à se tordre de rire quand on pense à ça. J'veux dire, sérieusement, on a des politiciens qui se lèvent là, tout sérieux, avec leurs costumes cravates, en train de nous dire que la polygamie, c'est mal, c'est immoral, c'est contraire aux valeurs de notre société.

Mais voyez-vous, le truc marrant, c'est que la plupart de ces gars-là, qui veulent imposer ces lois, sont eux-mêmes des maîtres de la polygamie version 2.0 quand on compte le nombre de leur maitresse et amant


GOP's Jim Jordan will try again to become House speaker, but his detractors are considering options

Ahead of Wednesday morning's voting, Jordan made an unexpected plea for party unity, the combative Judiciary Committee chairman telling his colleagues on social media, “we must stop attacking each other and come together.”





#Netanyahu: #Hamas is Islamic State (ISIS) and we will eliminate it, just as the enlightened world eliminated Islamic State (ISIS). They wanted war, they will get war. At this point we are moving towards a massive attack, the likes of which have never been seen before.

Funny because as I remember, it was #Iran, #Russia, the #Kurds, Iraqi Shia militia lead by Soleimani and #Hezbollah were the ones who defeated #ISIS and Israel was acting as the air force of ISIS and had no problem killing those fighting them.

Fucking #hypocrite is once again rewriting history.

#Syria #Gaza #Revisionism


One thing I have learned after being a human rights advocate for over 40 years, is that nothing is more fake than single subject activists.

You are either believe #HumanRights are universal of you are just a #hypocrite using it to push your agenda.

You can;t be pro HR and
- Pro #war
- Anti #choice
- Anti #immigration
- Anti semite
- Anti trans
- Anti #muslim
- Pro #deathpenalty
- Pro #sanctions

Just cut the BS and stop lying.


A late entry for Hypocrite of the Year


"No member of the #press should be #threatened, #harassed, #attacked, #arrested, or #killed for #doing-their-job. On the #International-Day-to-End-Impunity-for-Crimes-Against-Journalists, we #vow to continue #protecting and #promoting the #rights of a #freepress and the #safety of #journalists." ~ #antonyblinken #quote

#julianassange #secantonyblinken #hypocrite #freeassange #freespeech #wikileaks #journalism #weareallasange #dropthecharges


One Rule for Cannon Fodder (that's us), Another for 'Important' people

#BorisTheButcher #BorisTheLiar #hypocrite #hypocritical #Covid19UK #Pandemic #ToryProfiteers #CorruptToriesOut #ScienceMatters
