

Vietnam fire: Several feared dead in Hanoi apartment block fire

Dozens of people are reported to have been killed in a major fire at an apartment block in the Vietnamese capital, Hanoi. State media says that many others h...#aljazeeralive #aljazeeraenglish #aljazeera #AlJazeeraEnglish #AlJazeera #aljazeeraEnglish #aljazeeralive #aljazeeralivenews #aljazeeralatest #latestnews #newsheadlines #aljazeeravideo #Vietnamfire #Hanoiapartmentblockfire #Hanoifire #Vietnamapartmentfire #apartmentblockfire #breakingnews
Vietnam fire: Several feared dead in Hanoi apartment block fire


local Pakistani medias and Chinese State Medias reported that a convoy of Chinese engineers was attacked near a Police Station in Gwadar, #Balochistan Province in Southwestern #Pakistan.

According to the reports, 7 vehicles — mostly SUVs and a van, all bulletproof — belonging to a convoy of a Mainland Chinese Company came under a heavy attack by armed militants. The Convoy was carrying carried 23 Chinese nationals, mostly engineers.

During the ambush, an #IED exploded and the van was shot at, creating cracks in the glass.

According to Chinese State Media, there have been no injuries or casualities reported within the attacked Chinese convoy, which is currently guarded by Pakistani security forces and is generally safe

#Gwadar and Balochistan province are known in #WestAsia for being a hotspot for Baloch separatist insurgents — some of a nationalist bent, others of a Marxist/libertarian-socialist bent — in recent years, with Balochistan guerrillas often attacking facilities belonging to Chinese Companies, which local separatist groups accuse of being "Imperialist and Neo-Colonial Entities", something very nteresting, so to speak, given that such groups trace their origins back to the Soviet Occupation Era of #Afghanistan

#Pakistan #China #Terrorism #politics #BreakingNews


Massive explosion at a steel factory shook up Tehran today.

Outside sources mention several casualties, but IRI sources only mention 6 workers injured.

انفجار در بخش ذوب مجتمع فولاد اسفراین با ۸ مصدوم

مدیرعامل مجتمع صنعتی اسفراین خراسان شمالی:
🔹حوالی ساعت ۱۱ امروز (پنجشنبه ۱۹ مرداد)، نشت لحظه‌ای آب سبب انفجار در بخش ذوب مجموعه فولاد شد.

🔹شش نفر از پرسنل مجموعه به دلیل موج انفجار دچار صدمه شدند.

🔹یک نفر نیز دچار سوختگی سطحی و یک نفر دیگر دچار سوختگی جدی از ناحیه دست، صورت و گردن شده است.

#iran #breakingNews


#Nigeria has closed its border with #Niger Republic following the military coup that ousted the democratically-elected government of President Mohammed Bazoum.

Acting Comptroller General of Customs Bashir Adeniyi disclosed this on Friday at Illela border, Sokoto state.
According to him, with the current situation in Niger, the borders have been closed, and there are restrictions of movement along the areas.

He, therefore, advised Nigerians who were planning to travel to Niger to stay safe at home, saying that only Nigerians that are returning home were allowed to cross the border.

He also said Nigeria Customs had deployed its personnel to block all the unorthodox roads through which some of the foreigners may likely infiltrate.

“You know Sokoto and Niger Republic, we are a homogeneous society, with the same language, religion and culture, but we have a colonial boundary which we must respect.”

#Africa #BreakingNews


A coup d'état is currently taking place in #Niger. The presidential guard, led by General Tchiani, has arrested the president and defense minister.

"After [taking] the Presidential Palace, the #RepublicanGuard [a putschist military unit] is heading towards the government building. #President #Bazoum and the Minister of the Interior are being held by the mutineers. Several ministers have been arrested, including the Minister of Defense. General #OmarTchiani, head of the Presidential Guard and likely leader of this coup has not yet commented. French Army units [in their bases in Niger] are on alert." - #Tchad One, a Tchadian media outlet

Rumors spreading that Wagner PMC is supporting the pro-coup faction. Whilst these are, as yet, unconfirmed, it is worth noting that Wagner has recently provided the Presidential Guard - the main pro-coup military unit - with training.
With Wagner no longer being on the frontline of the SMO, it is possible that some of their forces have been deployed to Africa to fight French influence there; a long-term goal of the PMC (and of Russia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs) and one they recently performed in the Central African Republic.

  • Ministry buildings in Niamey are apparently being blockaded by military vehicles.
  • National Guard is being deployed in Niger, the Army and National Guard is being deployed around the Presidential Palace, according to sources, the army and national guard are not supportive of the coup.
  • Conflicting information from different sources the admins of RN are in contact with about whether forces supporting the Nigerien government will attack pro-coup troops if they don't back down.
  • The Nigerien presidency has stated they will - the question is whether Nigerien forces on the ground share that sentiment
  • Nigerian President Bola Tinubu has commented on the Nigerien coup, stating "ECOWAS will not accept any action that impedes the smooth functioning of legitimate authority in Niger."
  • The Nigerien Army has allegedly refused to side with the putschists and has issued an ultimatum to them.
  • The putschists have apparently taken control of Nigerien national television.
  • Heavy vehicles reportedly moving in to Niamey. An order to shelter in place for all residents has allegedly been delivered.

ECOWAS, on regards to the situation in Niger."Information filtering in from the Republic of Niger indicates some unpleasant developments around the country's highest political leadership.

It should be quite clear to all players in the Republic of Niger that the leadership of the ECOWAS Region and all lovers of democracy around the world will not tolerate any situation that incapacitates the democratically-elected government of the country.

The ECOWAS leadership will not accept any action that impedes the smooth functioning of legitimate authority in Niger or any part of West Africa.

I wish to say that we are closely monitoring the situation and developments in Niger and we will do everything within our powers to ensure democracy is firmly planted, nurtured, well rooted and thrives in our region.

I am in close consultation with other leaders in our region, and we shall protect our hard-earned democracy in line with the universally acceptable principle of constitutionalism.

As the Chairperson of ECOWAS Authority of Heads of State and Government, I state without equivocation that Nigeria stands firmly with the elected government in Niger and equally conveys the absolute resolve of leaders in our sub-region that we shall not waiver or flinch on our stand to defend and preserve constitutional order.

Bola Ahmed Tinubu

President, Federal Republic of #Nigeria and Chairman, #ECOWAS Authority of Heads of State and Government"

#Africa #MilitaryCoup #BreakingNews


In major strategic move, UAE says it has withdrawn from USA led Persian Gulf maritime coalition.

☆ The announcement has come amid tensions between #UAE and #US about UAE's growing military ties with #China.

☆ US has constantly been "warning" the Emirati government of Chinese military presence in UAE that could 'hinder ties' between US & UAE.

☆ President #Biden invited UAE President Mohammed bin Zayed a year ago, but Bin Zayed has still not visited US due to the political tensions between the two countries.

☆ Instead, UAE President Mohammed bin Zayed chose to visit #Russia in October last year.

☆ The visit was considered a move by UAE to seek new allies in the region & get itself out of the American 'camp'.
#PersianGulf #Military #BreakingNews #Politics #MBZ



#Major (unconfirmed) #Breaking #News : Abu Dhabi, one of the Emirates in #UAE haa removed their military cooperation with United States Navy!

The news haa been shared on multiple channels in Farsi and Arabic and Faris but so far I have not been able to find anything in English, French or other European languages.

The News comes as a shock, but maybe related to the disagreement and "shock" revealed in this article just a few weeks ago.

Mohammed Bin Zayed shocked after US billed UAE for military assistance, says report
UAE says it found incident, which happened in 2022 after a drone attack, deeply offensive

I will see if can find more details and verified sources about the news.

#US #PeesianGulf #Military #BreakingNews #Politics #Cooperation #Shocking #MBZ #AbuDhabi
امارات از ائتلاف دریایی آمریکا خارج شد

🔹وزارت خارجه امارات اعلام کرد ابوظبی پس از ارزیابی‌های مستمر، از ائتلاف دریایی آمریکا در منطقه خلیج فارس خارج شده است./ فارس



Dank der Mithilfe eines/r anonymen Unterstützer/in hier in unserer #Diaspora* haben wir ab sofort auf @campo@stammtisch.tupambae.org einen neuen lebenslangen Mitbewohner!

"Farolito" ein Wallach der schon immer wieder mal als Weidegast hier war gehört ab sofort hier bei uns mit dazu. Sein Besitzer überlegte ihn zu veräußern da er jetzt noch "präsentable" sei. Tja, und da wir uns natürlich nur ungern von guten alten Bekannten trennen und eventuell auch durchaus mal ein wenig Hilfe beim Schleppen oder Ziehen brauchen könnten haben wir, dank der Mithilfe eines Kontaktes hier, kurzer Hand zugesagt ihn "freizukaufen". Im grossen und ganzen ist Farolito ein grosses und ruhiges Pferd und soll auch ruhig arbeiten solange es um schleppen und ziehen geht. Wird ihm Zaumzeug und Sattel auferlegt verhält er sich angeblich unruhig. Ich denke mal das das mit schlechten Erlebnissen zu tun hat. Ganz allgemein werden Pferde hier bisher noch recht hart dressiert und das Geschirr das ihnen normaler Weise angelegt wird besteht aus Kandarren die in D wohl eher verpönt sind. Auch ansonsten sind sie es gewöhnt das Menschen sich eigentlich nur um sie kümmern wenn sie zur Arbeit herangezogen werden, sprich menschliche Aufmerksamkeit ist gleichbedeutend mit Zwang.
Nun gut, da dies nicht wirklich unser Umgang mit Tieren und in diesem Falle Pferden ist, steht jetzt erst mal ein allgemeines Eingewöhnen an, sprich immer ein Leckerlie zur Hand, immer mal vorbei schauen und ein wenig verwöhnen und streicheln und ansonsten Arbeitseinsatz als Rasenmäher.

Demnächst mehr und derweil ein link zu einem Video den "la tierra de nuestros nietos" neulich auf peertube eingestellt hat. Ein Zusammenschnitt von einem ziemlich wilden unterfangen in Namibia, das Zähmen von wilden Wüstenhengsten in nur ein paar Tagen durch eine Pferdeflüsterin, unterlegt mit etwas Musik:

#Pferd #Pferde #Horse #caballo


🔴 Nach einem Notruf von @alarm_phone☎️, den #Seabird🛩️ bestätigte, rettete die #GeoBarents heute Nachmittag 99 Menschen ∼30sm vor #Libyen.
⚫️Am Boden des überfüllten Holzbootes wurden 10 Menschen tot aufgefunden.

@MSF_Sea @msf_de @MSF_austria @MSF_Schweiz
📷©Candida Lobes

