

▫Flight Of The Bumblebee▫

🎼Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov🎼
🎻Jascha Heifetz🎻

Performed live on The Bell Telephone Hour on April 27th, 1942.
The studio orchestra is conducted by Richard Armbruster.

Today´s choice is dedicated to the esteemed 🐝Team Sintti Air Force💛.

#TeamSintti #TuneForToday #musiikki #music #klassinen #classical #viulu #violin #Heifetz #Rimsky-Korsakov #bumblebee #FlightOfTheBumblebee 🎶


▫Wet Wet Wet▫

A member of the 🐝Team Sintti Air Force🐝 after falling in to a deep water bowl... not at all round and fluffy looking bumblebee when its soaked in water ! Luckily, I was around to give this little guy a helping hand and he climbed on my finger and to safety.
Since I set up a honey water bar for them, these incidents have fortunately almost stopped - only a few per week now.
I have discovered an interesting thing about bumblebees; they actually shake themselves dry, much like a cat or a dog would do. No sound, not even quite visible, but you can feel it in your hand and it´s an absolutely fantastic sensation !!! Very hard to describe, but imagine a phone on vibrate against your skin - something like that, only milder.
The only thing that´s slightly annoying (yet funny too) is that these guys tend to use my arms as a drying platform. Almost every time this happens they start prancing up and down my arm without any intention to fly away.*.. silly little things ! 😊
Might have something to do with body warmth, I really don´t know. Still, it´s kinda cool.

*Maybe they just adore my freckles ! 🤣🤣🤣

📷27.07.2021 #TeamSintti #luonto #nature #kimalainen #bumblebee #kesä #summer #Suomi #Jyväskylä #Finland 🐝💛


🐝💛Bumblebee Bar💛🐝

During this summer´s prolonged drought and extremely high temperatures all nature has been struggling to survive.
At one point I started noticing bumblebees flying around quite disoriented and even ending up drowning in the water bowls I´ve got in several places for wild animals.
So, in an effort to help these Mother Nature´s essential workers , I started providing them with honey water in the hot days and evenings towards the end of June. These guys took the offer screa... sorry, buzzing , and even though the weather has finally cooled off a bit, keep arriving daily in the late afternoons. At best I have counted 30+ bumblebees at one time having a drink !
And this is kinda cool: WE NOW HAVE OUR OWN AIR FORCE ❕😁

📷 15.07.2021 #TeamSintti #luonto #nature #kesä #summer #kimalainen #bumblebee #Suomi #Jyväskylä #Finland #EssentialWorkers #WaterIsLife🐝💛


While the weather is awful in Germany and Belgium, here it feels like #summer with temperatures in the high twenties and #sunshine all day. The #allium #flowers have matured and are now attracting #pollinators. (I can't remember whether these are #onions or #SpringOninons.) Here's a close up of a #Bumblebee which was flower hopping. If you look under its right #wing, you can see another #insect riding on it. I don't know if it's a parasite or whether it just happened to be hitching a ride as I can't see it in other #photographs. My hunch is that it is a parasite.

#MyWork #MyPhoto #CCBYSA #Nikon #D7000 #Nature #Horticulture