

It's a nice #SunnyDay outside and it really feels like spring. The #bees are busy making use of the #flowers, while the flowers are busy making use of the bees.

The #UK #ElectricyDemand is currently 32 GW and of that, 25.2% is coming from #SolarEnergy, 17.1% is coming from #WindEnergy, 16.8% is coming from #NuclearEnergy and 9.9% is coming from #Biomass and only 7% is coming from #Gas. There is also a fair amount coming from continental Europe through the various interconnections.


#Environment #Electricity #FossilFuels #GreenhouseGases Renewables #RenewableEnergy


#art #medieval #honey #bees
November 13, 2023

Honey Bees

Yesterday a honey bee visited me inside my kitchen.
The window was open to let in some fresh air.
I was so thrilled to see it - here in downtown, which is void of most all life.
A bee finds me, not matter what room I’m in.
This singular bee visit happens once a year. It’s a sign of the changing weather.
It’s scouting. Seeking a warm place.
Oh! I wish I had a nice hive for it to come and live with me.
All bees would be welcomed. I’ve ceased to be afraid of a sting.
I always have a jar of honey, and remember them each day.