

https://mastodon.ie/@thebeeguy/113476999040879335 thebeeguy@mastodon.ie - Late? Indubitably!
I got lost on my way in from the #meadows and wandered aimlessly for over an hour before accidentally stumbling upon home - hence the delay in getting this to you.
Wouldn’t happen to a bumblebee!

Basic bee facts every day at 3pm.


Despite the small size of their brains #bumblebees are really really good at navigation.
They navigate on a par with vertebrates and in certain aspects their sense of direction is better than that of humans.


This is the last week of #summer but today is hot and #sunny and so the #pollinators are out doing their thing before it gets to damp and dark and the #flowers wither away. In the front #garden, one of the #plants attracts a lot of #bees and #hoverflies. Here are some pictures I took with my #camera using a #MacroLens.

I'm not sure whether this is a #Bee or a #HoverFly.
Bee on yellow flower

You can see the #PollenSacs on this #Bee.
Bee with pollen sacs

Bee on yellow flower

Bee on yellow flower

Bee on yellow flower

Bee on yellow flower

Bee on yellow flower

Bee on yellow flower

Bee on yellow flower

Bee on yellow flower

Bee on yellow flower

Bee on yellow flower

Bee on yellow flower

Bee on yellow flower

Bee on yellow flower

#MyWork #MyPhoto #CCBYSA #DSLR #Nikon #D7000 #Macro #Horticulture


https://photog.social/@sohkamyung/112807588376207301 sohkamyung@photog.social - A Himalayan Cloak-and-dagger Bee (Thyreus himalayensis) spotted at Bukit Gombak Park, Singapore on 9 Dec 2023. They are usually on the move when feeding, so not many chances of getting shots.

These bees are like cuckoo birds, laying their eggs in the nest of other bees.

On iNaturalist [ https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/193578901 ]

#iNaturalist #Nature #Singapore #Photography #Insects #Bees #Hymenoptera


last year, I had to hand pollinate all my cucumber plants because I couldn't find any bees to do the job.

But this year, I have a lot of #bees of different types, even a chunky bumble bee visiting my #balcony every day and seems busy pollinating my cucumber and pepper plants.

I don't know what is the difference between this year and last year, but I am really enjoying it and already have some 20 baby #cucumbers on one plant.

#Gardening #BalconyGarden #ContainerGarden #SouthOfFrance #Hydroponics #GrowYourOwn #Plants


Having a dog getting me out and walk much more than before, så i am seeing new things aäö the time.

There was a small park behind pir apartment with lots of malberry trees. Used to go there with the kids to pick up fruits to eat them. But 2 years ago they cut all the beautiful trees out and were working on changing ot

I never walk on that street any more so I didn't see the changes, but they now have turned it into a small botanical garden, lots of exotic trees from around the world and this little thing for bees. It even have 2 drinkable water fountains that is a great thing during the summer when walking the dog.

#France #JuanLesPins #SouthOfFrance #Bees #Parks