


Aaron Swartz and Lessing
at the launch party for Creative Commons (2002)

"The Internet revolution has come. Some say it has gone.
What was responsible for its birth?
Who is responsible for its demise?"
"In The Future of Ideas, Lawrence Lessig explains how the Internet revolution has produced a counterrevolution of devastating power and effect.
The explosion of innovation we have seen in the environment of the Internet was not conjured from some new, previously unimagined technological magic; instead, it came from an ideal as old as the nation.
Creativity flourished there because the Internet protected an innovation commons. The Internet's very design built a neutral platform upon which the widest range of creators could experiment. The legal architecture surrounding it protected this free space so that culture and information - the ideas of our era - could flow freely and inspire an unprecedented breadth of expression.
But this structural design is changing - both legally and technically."
"This shift will destroy the opportunities for creativity and innovation that the Internet originally engendered.
The cultural dinosaurs of our recent past are moving to quickly remake cyberspace so that they can better protect their interests against the future.
Powerful forces are swiftly using both law and technology to "tame" the internet, transforming it from an open forum for ideas into nothing more than cable television on speed.
Innovation, once again, will be directed from the top down, increasingly controlled by owners of the networks, holders of the largest patent portfolios, and, most invidiously, hoarders of copyrights." — https://archive.org/details/TheFutureOfIdeas/page/n1/mode/2up

#book #copyright #patents #cartels
#internet #commons #creativity #publicaccess #CreativeCommons
#libraries #education #information #digitaltools
#LawrenceLessig #AaronSwartz


#forprofitmedicine #health #oligarchs #cartels https://www.youtube.com/shorts/PNXbzzbuHJI there's a short worth quoting:

"we do not have a healthcare system in the united states. we have a medical service system that's a wealth transfer operation. you cannot buy health. it's not for sale. our whole notion of medical care and healthcare has to do with ending illness, not promoting wellness. And the objective here is fundamentally inimical to the commodity basis for which medical services are currently grounded, and have been grounded for over a hundred years. And fought for, fiercely, by the capitalists, by the oligarchs, by the pharmaceutical cartels, the hospital cartels, the insurance industry, in order to make it massively profitable, and to monetize suffering and death end of life situations."


Comment les #Narcos ont Envahi #Miami dans les Années 80 ? - #professiongangster

Lors des années 80, Miami a été le théâtre d’une terrible #guerre liée au #trafic de #cocaïne.
Différents #cartels originaires d’ #Amérique du Sud ( #Cuba, #Colombie entre autres) ont effectivement fait régner la #terreur dans le sud de la #Floride.
Nombreuses étaient alors les #victimes (la plupart innocentes).

Pour comprendre comment une telle guerre de la #drogue a pu s’amorcer, je vous propose dans ce #documentaire de retracer l’ #Histoire du #banditisme floridien.
En commençant par les années 20 et en terminant par les années 80 (période pendant laquelle Miami était considéré comme la capitale mondiale de la drogue).

Ainsi, dans cette vidéo, nous nous pencherons sur les #gangsters qui ont joué un rôle déterminant dans l’acheminement de produits illicites à Miami.
Parmi eux, on peut notamment citer #PabloEscobar, #FabioOchoaRestrepo, #RafaelCardonaSalazar, #MaxMermelstein et bien sûr #GriseldaBlanco.
