

East Forest - Prana (Full Album HD)

Recorded and improvised live in the deep southern desert of Utah over the cold evening of the winter solstice of 2012 in an underground former silo with a small audience gathered around a stone floor in a circle. The wood stove burned away.
More at, www.eastforest.org.

The album contains vocals - but no English - rather the vocalizations you hear are more channeled sounds intended keep our language centers quiet and our hearts open.

5 extended tracks - running time 48 minutes.
Album artwork painted and courtesy of Ross Bleckner.
This is a gapless playback continuous listening experience - please set your playback settings accordingly.

"One of the most incredibly gentle albums I have listened to for some time." - Blue Wolf Reviews

"This is the type of album that can create a spiritual catharsis." - The Equal Ground

"Prana is a deep, cleansing breath of music ... Just leave this one on loop and fill your space with it. It'll do your soul a whole lot of good." - The Hypnagogue

Track 1 - Apana
Track 2 - Prana
Track 3 - Samana
Track 4 - Udana
Track 5 - Vyana

#music #meditative #ambient #EastForestMusic #chill #peace