● NEWS ● #IEEE #Disinformation #Misinformation ☞ AI’s 6 Worst-Case Scenarios: Who needs Terminators when you have precision #clickbait and ultra-deepfakes? https://spectrum.ieee.org/ai-worst-case-scenarios
Good journalists report the facts ad THEY see it (not as other media or corporations see it). Bad journalists use #clickbait for traffic. Worse journalists simply lie, and this occasionally causes problems for the above-mentioned good journalists; it makes their stance seem "strange"...
#YouTube disabled the #dislike button and this help #marketing champaigns and #clickbait.
Sure nobody likes YouTube and they have never listened to their user #feedback but it also raises the question why there is no dislike button on #Diaspora?
How Facebook and Google Actually Fund the Creation of Misinformation | Slashdot
[T]he sheer volume of fake news and clickbait acted like fuel on the flames of already dangerously high ethnic and religious tensions. It shifted public opinion and escalated the conflict, which ultimately led to the death of 10,000 Rohingya, by conservative estimates, and the displacement of 700,000 more. In 2018, a United Nations investigation determined that the violence against the Rohingya constituted a genocide and that Facebook had played a "determining role" in the atrocities.
#technology #tech #SocialMedia #Facebook #FakeNews #clickbait #Myanmar #Rohingya #EthnicCleansing #genocide
#slashdot rarely covers #linux anymore; when it does, like this afternoon, it's actually all about #apple and #microsoft (!!!) http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/140541#comment-30939 #clickbait
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Dieser Ausschnitt findet sich in einem Artikel, darüber informiert, dass Bürger ohne Priorität bald im Impfzentrum geimpft werden können. Der verlinkte Artikel natürlich hinter einer Paywall.
Die Katholiban haben viel Einfluss bei der Lokalzeitung. Aber dabei fehlen jetzt sogar mir ein bisschen die Worte.
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#Clickbait (hah!)… but actually a terrific immersive experience that demonstrates how revealing our browser events are in demonstrating our behaviour. Also, the voice is just hilarious, so it’s most certainly worth clicking!
Check out an article about it here.