

Microsoft documentation is bullshit because they want it so 😱👎

#microsoft #documentation #fail #ai #software #bullshit #omg #wtf #problem #quality #development #help #user

anonymiss - 2024-12-17 12:51:59 GMT

#Microsoft: Our #documentation is big #bullshit and we have no desire to change it. Users can ask #AI if they need help. Nobody reads the documentation anyway.

source: github.com/MicrosoftDocs/WSL/p…

Thanks for the contribution here and appreciate your attention to detail. We have decided to keep as-is.. part of that decision is that more and more folks are using AI chat to access guidance and tables don't always translate well in that context.


That is hands-down the worst response to a documentation #patch that I've ever seen.

Nobody wonders anymore why Microsoft software is so bad with this mind setting.

#developer #software #fail #problem #response #decision #documentation #guide #tutorial


In 1988, #India issued an order forbidding the import of Salman #Rushdie’s novel. A #Delhi #Court has overturned the order, not because of free speech, but because no one could find it.

source: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/11/08/world/asia/india-salman-rushdie-satanic-verses-book-ban.html?unlocked_article_code=1.Y04.yquJ.JGWA6ln_x0zZ

Democracy at its best. If you can't present your invoices to the tax office, then you can expect heavy penalties but why should we keep our records, we are the government after all so trust us!

#Democracy #justice #fail #problem #government #freedom #freespeech #censorship #politics #omg #wtf #authorities #book #news


French #court blocks popular #porn site… #subdomain

Source: https://techcrunch.com/2024/11/28/french-court-blocks-popular-porn-sites-subdomain/

As a result, the court ordered blocking of “fr.xhamster.com,” including the “fr.” prefix. This means internet service providers have complied with the order and blocked xHamster at the DNS level but only with the “fr.” prefix. So #xHamster remains accessible in France — until regulator, Arcom, finds a way to close this embarrassing loophole.

#news #internet #knowlege #Knowhow #justice #technology #dns #block #web #www #uri #access #provider #fr #France #fail #omg #wtf


Lieber einen schlechten Deal als gar keinen <- das neue Motto und der Anspruch der Politik 🤮

Siehe: https://www.zeit.de/wissen/umwelt/2024-11/un-klimakonferenz-cop29-baku-klimafinanzierung-einigung

Die Krisen werden immer schlimmer, Autokratien auf dem Vormarsch aber seht her, unsere Herrscher schaffen noch schlechte Deals zu beschließen. Daran noch irgendwas zu retten, oder das Ruder runzureissen, glaubt doch eh Keiner mehr. Nach mir die Sintflut und das Letzte macht das Licht aus... 😐

#politik #krise #klima #zukunft #Menschheit #Demokratie #Rettung #Perspektive #Problem #erde #aua #wtf #omg
