

Life on the Command Line (2011)

A few weeks ago, I realized that I no longer use graphical applications.

That’s right. I don’t do anything with gui apps anymore, except surf the Web. And what’s interesting about that, is that I rarely use cloudy, ajaxy replacements for desktop applications. Just about everything I do, I do exclusively on the command line. And I do what everyone else does: manage email, write things, listen to music, manage my todo list, keep track of my schedule, and chat with people. I also do a few things that most people don’t do: including write software, analyze data, and keep track of students and their grades. But whatever the case, I do all of it on the lowly command line. I literally go for months without opening a single graphical desktop application. In fact, I don’t — strictly speaking — have a desktop on my computer. ...

-- Stephen Ramsay

For my own uses, whilst I heavily use Android tablets, my preference is a full Linux desktop or laptop. On Android the single most useful application I have, and The One Thing Which Does Not Precisely Suck, is Termux, a Linux userland environment with nearly 2,000 installable Free Software packages.

I'd make heavier use of console-based web clients (w3m) if less of the Web wasn't broken using one. I'm ... begining to explore Gemini.

HN discussion: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=30389399


#CommandLine #Productivity #UI #UX #Linux #GUI #StephenRamsay


20 Basic Linux Commands for Beginners Explained with Examples: Bookmark It If You Only Visit The Command Line Occasionally

Are you new to Linux? Here all the list of basic Linux commands contains all the common commands you’ll need to know to get you started.

When dealing with Linux, you need to use a shell – an interface that gives you access to the operating system. The commands are required as inputs to inform or direct a computer program to perform a specific operation. While most Linux distributions are user-friendly and come with an easy to use graphical interface, knowing how to use the command line can be very useful.

For example, I still use 'du' quite often as it is way faster to determine space hogs from the command line on a remote VPS or server that using any GUI package. Some things are just better on a command line.

See 20 Basic Linux Commands for Beginners Explained with Examples

#technology #linux #commandline #tips


Are you new to Linux? Here all the list of basic Linux commands contains all the common commands you’ll need to know to get you started.
