

Plus de secret pour les membres de #DH ... Esquisse initiale 1800s, réalisation 1830s.
Architecte: Joseph Bonomi.
Production de #JosephBonomi qui est une reprise des travaux de Jean-Francois Therèse Chalgrin pour l'élévation d'un temple #PlaceDeLaVictoire pour #Desaix et #Kleber.

Merci #Ulrich

Un site donne sa version de son génie... "Aurait-il découvert une machine à remonter le temps?"

Portrait of the Egyptologist Joseph Bonomi the Younger, by Matilda Sharpe (1868) – did he discover the secrets of time travel?
In #Egypt, he sketched antiquities and temple interiors, even inventing a kind of drawing-frame-cum-viewfinder to record such ancient remains more accurately. Bonomi also produced plaster casts of the reliefs of the famous temples of Kalabsha. After two years with Hay, #Bonomi – resentful at his low salary – fell out with him. He stayed in Egypt, however, living in Cairo, where he illustrated the pioneering #Egyptologist James Burton’s Excerpta hieroglyphica. His finances restored by such work, Bonomi re-joined Hay in 1832 and – after a couple more years in Egypt – undertook tours of Syria and Palestine. In 1839, he contributed illustrations to Manners and Customs of the Ancient #Egyptians by Sir John Gardiner Wilkinson, a man described as ‘the father of British #Egyptology.


#nouvellechronologie #egypte #antique (=en toc!)


AC n°10 #Mystères de l' #Egypte ! #Atoum le #créateur auto engendré - À l'Envol #Antique (chaîne de #MonsieurGilou)


Chronologie :

00:00 Extrait du #Livre des #Morts.
00:30 Introduction : Qu'est ce que la #Création?
03:05 Le #Nom du #dieu Atoum.
05:13 Le #Noun #Océan #Primordial et Impénétrable.
08:40 L' #Ordre et le #Chaos?
11:08 Entre Noun et Atoum... l' #Auto-Engendrement.
14:08 La #Clef de l' #Explication?

Mes réseaux :
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/monsieurgilou/
Twitch : https://www.twitch.tv/monsieurgilou
Twitter : https://twitter.com/MonsieurGilou
