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L'équipe Zaclys

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#Olives #Lemons #Zaatar #MiddleEastern #Cookbook #RawiaBishara #Nazareth #Palestinian #Chef #Restaurant-Owner #Tanoreen #Brooklyn #Arabic #Recipes #Culinary #Delights #Cuisine #Food #Our #World

Olives, Lemons & Za'atar

The Best Middle Eastern Home Cooking

A Cookbook by Rawia Bishara

Rawia Bishara is the chef and owner of Tanoreen restaurant in Brooklyn. Her cookbook is a collection of traditional Palestinian recipes she grew up with, as well as new creations influenced by her experiences in New York and Europe.

With 135 recipes in all, the book features vegetarian dishes, fish and shellfish, chicken, lamb, and beef, wheat-based flatbreads, bulgur wheat, and other Arabic foods. The beautiful photography and family stories takes you on a journey of her life from Nazareth to Brooklyn ~

The combination of traditional recipes and her own, make this an inviting cookbook for anyone that is interested in exploring Middle Eastern cuisine.

Yes, I recommend it!